Chapter 8. The Actor Model

Actors are isolated pieces of code that communicate exclusively through message passing. Actors can also have state that they can reference and manipulate. Because we have async-compatible nonblocking channels, our async runtime can juggle multiple actors, progressing these actors only when they receive a message in their channel.

The isolation of actors enables easy async testing and simple implementation of async systems. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to build an actor system that has a router actor. This actor system you build can easily be called anywhere in your program without having to pass a reference around for your actor system. You will also be able to build a supervisor heartbeat system that will keep track of other actors and force a restart of those actors if they fail to ping the supervisor past a time threshold. To start on this journey, you need to understand how to build basic actors.

Building a Basic Actor

The most basic actor we can build is an async function that is stuck in an infinite loop listening for messages:

use tokio::sync::{
    mpsc::{Receiver, Sender},

struct Message {
    value: i64

async fn basic_actor(mut rx: Receiver<Message>) {
    let mut state = 0;

    while let Some(msg) = rx.recv().await {
        state += msg.value;
        println!("Received: {}", msg.value);
        println!("State: {}", state);

The actor listens to incoming messages by using a multiproducer, single-consumer channel (mpsc ...

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