image (7.48)


Ris=εi,sB(Ts)Ti(ps), (7.49)

image (7.49)

Rid=(1ελ,s)0psB(T)dTλ(ps,p)=k=1K(1εi,s)(Ti(ps))2TikTi,k1Riku, (7.50)

image (7.50)


Riu=ps0Bim(T(p))dTi(p)=k=1K12(Bim(Tk)+Bim(Tk1))(Ti,k1Ti,k)k=1KRiku. (7.51)

image (7.51)

The parameter T(p) represents the temperature of the atmosphere at pressure level p, Ti(p) is the channel transmission from ...

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