Chapter 3

A Concrete Example of a Model for Describing Audiovisual Content


3.1. Introduction

In Chapter 1 (section 1.6), we briefly outlined the theoretical framework of reference which guides us in creating the metalinguistic resources needed to put in place the models of description* an analyst needs in order to carry out the description of the content of an audiovisual corpus. The question which now arises is how that theoretical reference model is actually reflected in the aforementioned models of description making up the metalanguage of description* of an archive’s universe of discourse*. More concretely still, how is this framework of reference expressed in such-and-such an interactive working form which is part of the interface of the ASW Studio, presented briefly in Chapter 2 (also see [STO 11a])?

In this chapter, we shall present and discuss a model of description* of the content of an audiovisual text or corpus. In the next chapter (Chapter 4), we shall draw a number of more general consequences from this, for the approach developed herein of analyzing the content of corpora or entire audiovisual texts.

section 3.2 very briefly presents a library* of models of description for analyzing audiovisual corpora making up a particular archive. In section 3.3, we shall present and discuss the sequences* which make up a model of description. A sequence is a thematically and functionally circumscribed configuration which defines a specific stage of description in the process ...

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