- Aaker, Jennifer, 121–122
- Academy Awards error, 112
- Actions: action-driven businesses, 13–14; empower employees to take purposeful, 169; showcase purpose in, 172–173; storydoing, 122–124, 203
- Activia Yogurt, 29, 157
- Ad Age, 153, 155
- Advertisements: Cocaine Toothache Drops (1885), 66fig; Farrah Fawcett promoting Wella Balsam shampoo (1970s), 69fig–70; native advertising, 152; Philip Morris (1950s), 67fig–68; real-time ads, 152; T-Mobile’s provocative, 108fig. See also Marketing; Products
- Adweek, 153, 155
- AI (artificial intelligence): enormous potential to do good by, 33; Ginni Rometty’s articulation of IBM’s philosophy on, 32; rapid technological advances of, 25, 213
- AI/machine learning, 26, 71–72
- Airbnb, 45
- Airborne, 29, 157
- Alexa (Amazon), 26
- Allen, Sam, 7
- Altimeter, 95
- Amazon: AI/machine learning to suggest books and products, 71–72; announcing formation of health care company for employees, 14, 212; data acquisition by, 72; Jeff Bezos CEO of, 106, 147; potential for purposeful drone delivery partnering by, 218
- American Express, 84
- American Manufacturing Council, 147
- Analysts, 95–96
- Andreessen, Marc, 55
- Ant Financial’s Ant Forest tree-planting app, 56, 197
- Anti-gun stance, 14, 19
- Anti-tobacco initiatives (CVS), 31
- Apologizing, 111–113
- Apple: GUT (mouse-driven graphical user interface) of, 44, 46; iPhone product of, 25–26, 43; numerous products of, 43–44; Taylor Swift taking a stand against policy of, 112–113
- Aristotle, 7
- Audience’s passions, 17–18, 49
- Authentic marketing: ...
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