

ACD (Analog Comparator Disable bit), 46
ACI (Analog Comparator Interrupt flag), 46
ACIC (Analog Comparator Input Capture Enable bit), 47
ACISO/ACIS1 (Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bits), 47
ACO (Analog Comparator Output), 43, 46
ACSR (Analog Comparator Control and Status register), 46
ADC (Add with Carry), 71
ADD (Add without Carry), 72
Addressing modes, memory, 63–71
ADIW (Add Immediate to Word), 72
ALU (arithmetic logic unit), 12–14
Analog comparator, 43–48
AND (Logical AND), 72
ANDI (Logical AND with Immediate), 73
ANSI C libraries, 151
Architectural overview, 9–13
Architecture, 1–5
AVR microcontrollers based on new RISC, 9
internal, 5
reduced-instruction-set computer (RISC), 9
von Neumann, 3
ASR (Arithmetic Shift Right), ...

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