
  1. Which among the following provides secure access control in your AWS environment to interact with AWS resources in a controlled manner?
    1. S3
    2. IAM
    3. HSM
    4. KMS
  2. Which among the following are VPC security best practices?
    1. Encryption
    2. Use KMS
    3. Use Network Address Translation (NAT)
S3 bucket permissions
  3. Which of the following are data security best practices?
    1. Secure data in transit
    2. Control access
    3. Implement IDS/IPS
    4. Tier security groups
  4. Which of the following are the best practices to secure your servers in AWS cloud?
    1. Use web application firewall
    2. Use ELB
    3. Penetration testing
    4. Utilize AWS security tools
  5. Which among the following are the best practices to secure applications developed and deployed in AWS servers and other AWS resources?
    1. Use IAM roles for EC2
    2. Security group ...

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