Base SAS 9.4 Procedures Guide, Second Edition

Book description

Contains the complete reference for all Base SAS procedures. Provides information about what each procedure does and, if relevant, the kind of output that it produces.

Table of contents

  1. Contents (1/2)
  2. Contents (2/2)
  3. About This Book
    1. Syntax Conventions for the SAS Language
      1. Overview of Syntax Conventions for the SAS Language
      2. Syntax Components
      3. Style Conventions
      4. Special Characters
      5. References to SAS Libraries and External Files
  4. What's New in Base SAS 9.4 Procedures
    1. Overview
    2. New Base SAS Procedures
      1. The AUTHLIB Procedure
      2. The DELETE Procedure
      3. The DS2 Procedure
      4. The FEDSQL Procedure
      5. The JSON Procedure
      6. The PRESENV Procedure
      7. The STREAM Procedure
    3. Enhanced Base SAS Procedures
      1. The APPEND Procedure
      2. The CONTENTS Procedure
      3. The COPY Procedure
      4. The CIMPORT Procedure
      5. The CPORT Procedure
      6. The DATASETS Procedure
      7. The EXPORT Procedure
      8. The FCMP Procedure
      9. The FORMAT Procedure
      10. The HADOOP Procedure
      11. The HTTP Procedure
      12. The IMPORT Procedure
      13. The MIGRATE Procedure
      14. The OPTIONS Procedure
      15. The PRINT Procedure
      16. The PRINTTO Procedure
      17. The PWENCODE Procedure
      18. The QDEVICE Procedure
      19. The REPORT Procedure
      20. The SORT Procedure
      21. The XSL Procedure
    4. Software Enhancements
    5. Documentation Enhancements
  5. Recommended Reading
  6. Concepts
    1. Choosing the Right Procedure
      1. Functional Categories of Base SAS Procedures
        1. Report Writing
        2. Statistics
        3. Utilities
      2. Report-Writing Procedures
      3. Statistical Procedures
        1. Available Statistical Procedures
        2. Efficiency Issues
        3. Additional Information about the Statistical Procedures
      4. Utility Procedures
      5. Brief Descriptions of Base SAS Procedures (1/2)
      6. Brief Descriptions of Base SAS Procedures (2/2)
    2. Fundamental Concepts for Using Base SAS Procedures
      1. Language Concepts
        1. Temporary and Permanent SAS Data Sets
        2. SAS System Options
        3. Data Set Options
        4. Global Statements
        5. AES Encryption
      2. Procedure Concepts (1/3)
      3. Procedure Concepts (2/3)
      4. Procedure Concepts (3/3)
        1. Input Data Sets
        2. Threaded Processing for Base SAS Procedures
        3. RUN-Group Processing
        4. Creating Titles That Contain BY-Group Information
        5. Shortcuts for Specifying Lists of Variable Names
        6. Formatted Values
        7. Processing All the Data Sets in a Library
        8. Operating Environment-Specific Procedures
        9. Statistic Descriptions
        10. Computational Requirements for Statistics
      5. Output Delivery System
    3. Statements with the Same Function in Multiple Procedures
      1. Statements with the Same Function in Multiple Procedures
        1. Overview
      2. Statements (1/3)
      3. Statements (2/3)
      4. Statements (3/3)
        1. BY
        2. FREQ
        3. QUIT
        4. WEIGHT
        5. WHERE
    4. In-Database Processing of Base Procedures
      1. Base Procedures That Are Enhanced for In-Database Processing
    5. Base SAS Procedures Documented in Other Publications
      1. Base SAS Procedures Documented in Other Publications
  7. Procedures
    1. APPEND Procedure
      1. Overview: APPEND Procedure
      2. Syntax: APPEND Procedure
      3. Using APPEND Procedure
      4. Examples: APPEND Procedure
        1. Concatenating Two SAS Data Sets
        2. Getting Sort Indicator Information
    2. AUTHLIB Procedure
      1. Overview: AUTHLIB Procedure
      2. Concepts: AUTHLIB Procedure
        1. What Is a Metadata-Bound Library?
        2. What Are Metadata-Bound Library Passwords?
        3. Setting and Modifying Metadata-Bound Library Passwords
        4. Encrypted Data Set Considerations
        5. Copy-In-Place Operation
        6. Requiring Encryption for Metadata-Bound Data Sets
        7. Setting and Modifying Metadata-Bound Library Encryption Options
        8. Data Sets in a Metadata-Bound Library That Are Not Bound to Secured Table Objects
        9. Requirements to Use PROC AUTHLIB Statements
      3. Syntax: AUTHLIB Procedure (1/5)
      4. Syntax: AUTHLIB Procedure (2/5)
      5. Syntax: AUTHLIB Procedure (3/5)
      6. Syntax: AUTHLIB Procedure (4/5)
      7. Syntax: AUTHLIB Procedure (5/5)
        1. PROC AUTHLIB Statement
        2. CREATE Statement
        3. MODIFY Statement
        4. REMOVE Statement
        5. REPAIR Statement
        6. REPORT Statement
        7. TABLES Statement
      8. Results: AUTHLIB Procedure
      9. Examples: AUTHLIB Procedure (1/5)
      10. Examples: AUTHLIB Procedure (2/5)
      11. Examples: AUTHLIB Procedure (3/5)
      12. Examples: AUTHLIB Procedure (4/5)
      13. Examples: AUTHLIB Procedure (5/5)
        1. Binding a Physical Library That Contains Unprotected Data Sets
        2. Binding a Physical Library That Contains Password-Protected Data Sets
        3. Binding a Library When Existing Data Sets Are Protected with the Same Passwords
        4. Binding a Library When Existing Data Sets Are Protected with Different Passwords
        5. Changing Passwords on Data Sets
        6. Changing Metadata-Bound Library Passwords
        7. Using the REMOVE Statement
        8. Using the REPORT Statement
        9. Using the TABLES Statement
        10. Binding a Library When Existing Data Sets Are SASProprietary Encrypted
        11. Binding a Library When Existing Data Sets Are AES-Encrypted
        12. Binding a Library with an Optional Recorded Encryption Key When Existing AES-Encrypted Data Sets Have Different Encryption Keys
        13. Binding a Library with Required AES Encryption When Existing Data Sets Are Encrypted with the Same Encryption Key
        14. Binding a Library with Existing Data Sets That Are AES-Encrypted with Different Encryption Keys
        15. Changing a Metadata-Bound Library to Require AES Encryption When Existing Data Sets Are Encrypted with Different Encryption Keys
    3. CALENDAR Procedure
      1. Overview: CALENDAR Procedure
        1. What Does the CALENDAR Procedure Do?
        2. What Types of Calendars Can PROC CALENDAR Produce?
        3. Advanced Scheduling and Project Management Tasks
      2. Concepts: CALENDAR Procedure (1/3)
      3. Concepts: CALENDAR Procedure (2/3)
      4. Concepts: CALENDAR Procedure (3/3)
        1. Types of Calendars
        2. Schedule Calendar
        3. Summary Calendar
        4. The Default Calendars
        5. Calendars and Multiple Calendars
        6. Input Data Sets
        7. Activities Data Set
        8. Holidays Data Set
        9. Calendar Data Set
        10. Workdays Data Set
        11. Missing Values in Input Data Sets
      5. Syntax: CALENDAR Procedure (1/5)
      6. Syntax: CALENDAR Procedure (2/5)
      7. Syntax: CALENDAR Procedure (3/5)
      8. Syntax: CALENDAR Procedure (4/5)
      9. Syntax: CALENDAR Procedure (5/5)
        1. PROC CALENDAR Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. CALID Statement
        4. DUR Statement
        5. FIN Statement
        6. HOLIDUR Statement
        7. HOLIFIN Statement
        8. HOLISTART Statement
        9. HOLIVAR Statement
        10. MEAN Statement
        11. OUTDUR Statement
        12. OUTFIN Statement
        13. OUTSTART Statement
        14. START Statement
        15. SUM Statement
        16. VAR Statement
      10. Results: CALENDAR Procedure
        1. What Affects the Quantity of PROC CALENDAR Output
        2. How Size Affects the Format of PROC CALENDAR Output
        3. What Affects the Lines That Show Activity Duration
        4. Customizing the Calendar Appearance
        5. Portability of ODS Output with PROC CALENDAR
      11. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (1/9)
      12. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (2/9)
      13. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (3/9)
      14. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (4/9)
      15. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (5/9)
      16. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (6/9)
      17. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (7/9)
      18. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (8/9)
      19. Examples: CALENDAR Procedure (9/9)
        1. Schedule Calendar with Holidays: 5-Day Default
        2. Schedule Calendar Containing Multiple Calendars
        3. Multiple Schedule Calendars with Atypical Work Shifts (Separated Output)
        4. Multiple Schedule Calendars with Atypical Work Shifts (Combined and Mixed Output)
        5. Schedule Calendar, Blank or with Holidays
        6. Calculating a Schedule Based on Completion of Predecessor Tasks
        7. Summary Calendar with MEAN Values by Observation
        8. Multiple Summary Calendars with Atypical Work Shifts (Separated Output)
    4. CATALOG Procedure
      1. Overview: CATALOG Procedure
      2. Concepts
        1. Interactive Processing with RUN Groups
        2. Specifying an Entry Type
        3. Catalog Concatenation
      3. Syntax: CATALOG Procedure (1/3)
      4. Syntax: CATALOG Procedure (2/3)
      5. Syntax: CATALOG Procedure (3/3)
        1. PROC CATALOG Statement
        2. CHANGE Statement
        3. CONTENTS Statement
        4. COPY Statement
        5. DELETE Statement
        6. EXCHANGE Statement
        7. EXCLUDE Statement
        8. MODIFY Statement
        9. SAVE Statement
        10. SELECT Statement
      6. Results: CATALOG Procedure
      7. Examples: CATALOG Procedure
        1. Copying, Deleting, and Moving Catalog Entries from Multiple Catalogs
        2. Displaying Contents, Changing Names, and Changing a Description
        3. Using the FORCE Option with the KILL Option
    5. CHART Procedure
      1. Overview: CHART Procedure
        1. What Does the CHART Procedure Do?
        2. What Types of Charts Can PROC CHART Create?
      2. Concepts: CHART Procedure
      3. Syntax: CHART Procedure (1/5)
      4. Syntax: CHART Procedure (2/5)
      5. Syntax: CHART Procedure (3/5)
      6. Syntax: CHART Procedure (4/5)
      7. Syntax: CHART Procedure (5/5)
        1. PROC CHART Statement
        2. BLOCK Statement
        3. BY Statement
        4. HBAR Statement
        5. PIE Statement
        6. STAR Statement
        7. VBAR Statement
      8. Results: CHART Procedure
        1. Missing Values
        2. ODS Table Names
        3. Portability of ODS Output with PROC CHART
      9. Examples: CHART Procedure (1/3)
      10. Examples: CHART Procedure (2/3)
      11. Examples: CHART Procedure (3/3)
        1. Producing a Simple Frequency Count
        2. Producing a Percentage Bar Chart
        3. Subdividing the Bars into Categories
        4. Producing Side-by-Side Bar Charts
        5. Producing a Horizontal Bar Chart for a Subset of the Data
        6. Producing Block Charts for BY Groups
      12. References
    6. CIMPORT Procedure
      1. Overview: CIMPORT Procedure
        1. What Does the CIMPORT Procedure Do?
        2. Process for Creating and Reading a Transport File
      2. Syntax: CIMPORT Procedure (1/2)
      3. Syntax: CIMPORT Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC CIMPORT Statement
        2. EXCLUDE Statement
        3. SELECT Statement
      4. CIMPORT Problems: Importing Transport Files (1/2)
      5. CIMPORT Problems: Importing Transport Files (2/2)
        1. About Transport Files and Encodings
        2. Problems with Transport Files Created Using a SAS Release Prior to 9.2
        3. Problems with Transport Files Created Using SAS Versions 9.2 and Later
        4. Problems with Loss of Numeric Precision
      6. Examples: CIMPORT Procedure
        1. Importing an Entire Library
        2. Importing Individual Catalog Entries
        3. Importing a Single Indexed SAS Data Set
    7. COMPARE Procedure
      1. Overview: COMPARE Procedure
        1. What Does the COMPARE Procedure Do?
        2. What Information Does PROC COMPARE Provide?
        3. How Can PROC COMPARE Output Be Customized?
      2. Concepts: COMPARE Procedure
        1. Comparisons Using PROC COMPARE
        2. A Comparison by Position of Observations
        3. A Comparison with an ID Variable
        4. The Equality Criterion
        5. How PROC COMPARE Handles Variable Formats
      3. Syntax: COMPARE Procedure (1/3)
      4. Syntax: COMPARE Procedure (2/3)
      5. Syntax: COMPARE Procedure (3/3)
        1. PROC COMPARE Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. ID Statement
        4. VAR Statement
        5. WITH Statement
      6. Results: COMPARE Procedure (1/3)
      7. Results: COMPARE Procedure (2/3)
      8. Results: COMPARE Procedure (3/3)
        1. Results Reporting
        2. SAS Log
        3. Macro Return Codes (SYSINFO)
        4. Procedure Output
        5. ODS Table Names
        6. Output Data Set (OUT=)
        7. Output Statistics Data Set (OUTSTATS=)
      9. Examples: COMPARE Procedure (1/5)
      10. Examples: COMPARE Procedure (2/5)
      11. Examples: COMPARE Procedure (3/5)
      12. Examples: COMPARE Procedure (4/5)
      13. Examples: COMPARE Procedure (5/5)
        1. Producing a Complete Report of the Differences
        2. Comparing Variables in Different Data Sets
        3. Comparing a Variable Multiple Times
        4. Comparing Variables That Are in the Same Data Set
        5. Comparing Observations with an ID Variable
        6. Comparing Values of Observations Using an Output Data Set (OUT=)
        7. Creating an Output Data Set of Statistics (OUTSTATS=)
    8. CONTENTS Procedure
      1. Overview: CONTENTS Procedure
      2. Concepts
      3. Syntax: CONTENTS Procedure
      4. Examples: CONTENTS Procedure (1/3)
      5. Examples: CONTENTS Procedure (2/3)
      6. Examples: CONTENTS Procedure (3/3)
        1. Using PROC CONTENTS to Extract Only Attributes from Data Sets
        2. Using the ORDER= Option with the CONTENTS Statement
        3. Describing a SAS Data Set
    9. COPY Procedure
      1. Overview: COPY Procedure
      2. Concepts
        1. Copying Select Files from a Large Directory of Files
        2. Transporting SAS Data Sets between Hosts
        3. Copying AES-Encrypted Data Files
      3. Syntax: COPY Procedure
      4. Examples: COPY Procedure
        1. Copying SAS Data Sets between Hosts
        2. Converting SAS Data Sets Encodings
        3. Using PROC COPY to Migrate from a 32-bit to a 64-bit Machine
    10. CPORT Procedure
      1. Overview: CPORT Procedure
        1. What Does the CPORT Procedure Do?
        2. Process for Creating and Reading a Transport File
      2. Syntax: CPORT Procedure (1/2)
      3. Syntax: CPORT Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC CPORT Statement
        2. EXCLUDE Statement
        3. SELECT Statement
        4. TRANTAB Statement
      4. READ= Data Set Option in the PROC CPORT Statement
      5. CPORT Problems: Creating Transport Files
        1. Data Control Blocks Characteristics
        2. Loss of Numeric Precision
      6. Examples: CPORT Procedure
        1. Exporting Multiple Catalogs
        2. Exporting Individual Catalog Entries
        3. Exporting a Single SAS Data Set
        4. Applying a Translation Table
        5. Exporting Entries Based on Modification Date
    11. DATASETS Procedure
      1. Overview: DATASETS Procedure
        1. What Does the DATASETS Procedure Do?
        2. Sample PROC DATASETS Output
        3. Notes
      2. Concepts (1/2)
      3. Concepts (2/2)
        1. Procedure Execution
        2. Using Passwords with the DATASETS Procedure
        3. Restricting Member Types for Processing
        4. Restricting Processing for Generation Data Sets
        5. Extended Attributes
      4. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (1/16)
      5. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (2/16)
      6. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (3/16)
      7. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (4/16)
      8. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (5/16)
      9. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (6/16)
      10. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (7/16)
      11. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (8/16)
      12. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (9/16)
      13. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (10/16)
      14. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (11/16)
      15. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (12/16)
      16. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (13/16)
      17. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (14/16)
      18. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (15/16)
      19. Syntax: DATASETS Procedure (16/16)
        1. PROC DATASETS Statement
        2. AGE Statement
        3. APPEND Statement
        4. ATTRIB Statement
        5. AUDIT Statement
        6. CHANGE Statement
        7. CONTENTS Statement
        8. COPY Statement
        9. DELETE Statement
        10. EXCHANGE Statement
        11. EXCLUDE Statement
        12. FORMAT Statement
        13. IC CREATE Statement
        14. IC DELETE Statement
        15. IC REACTIVATE Statement
        16. INDEX CENTILES Statement
        17. INDEX CREATE Statement
        18. INDEX DELETE Statement
        19. INFORMAT Statement
        20. INITIATE Statement
        21. LABEL Statement
        22. LOG Statement
        23. MODIFY Statement
        24. REBUILD Statement
        25. RENAME Statement
        26. REPAIR Statement
        27. RESUME Statement
        28. SAVE Statement
        29. SELECT Statement
        30. SUSPEND Statement
        31. TERMINATE Statement
        32. USER_VAR Statement
        33. XATTR ADD Statement
        34. XATTR DELETE Statement
        35. XATTR OPTIONS Statement
        36. XATTR REMOVE Statement
        37. XATTR SET Statement
        38. XATTR UPDATE Statement
      20. Results: DATASETS Procedure (1/4)
      21. Results: DATASETS Procedure (2/4)
      22. Results: DATASETS Procedure (3/4)
      23. Results: DATASETS Procedure (4/4)
        1. Directory Listing to the SAS Log
        2. Directory Listing as SAS Output
        3. Procedure Output
        4. PROC DATASETS and the Output Delivery System (ODS)
        5. ODS Table Names
        6. Output Data Sets
      24. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (1/10)
      25. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (2/10)
      26. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (3/10)
      27. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (4/10)
      28. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (5/10)
      29. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (6/10)
      30. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (7/10)
      31. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (8/10)
      32. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (9/10)
      33. Examples: DATASETS Procedure (10/10)
        1. Removing All Labels and Formats in a Data Set
        2. Manipulating SAS Files
        3. Saving SAS Files from Deletion
        4. Modifying SAS Data Sets
        5. Describing a SAS Data Set
        6. Concatenating Two SAS Data Sets
        7. Aging SAS Data Sets
        8. ODS Output
        9. Getting Sort Indicator Information
        10. Using the ORDER= Option with the CONTENTS Statement
        11. Initiating an Audit File
        12. Extended Attributes
    12. DELETE Procedure
      1. Overview: DELETE Procedure
      2. Concepts
      3. Syntax: DELETE Procedure
        1. PROC DELETE Statement
      4. Examples: DELETE Procedure (1/2)
      5. Examples: DELETE Procedure (2/2)
        1. Deleting Several SAS Data Sets
        2. Deleting the Base Version and All Historical Versions
        3. Deleting the Base Version and Renaming the Youngest Historical Version to the Base Version
        4. Deleting a Version with an Absolute Number
        5. Deleting All Historical Versions and Leaving the Base Version
        6. Using the MEMTYPE= Option
        7. Using the ENCRYPTKEY= Option
        8. Using the ALTER= Option
        9. Using the DATA= List Feature
        10. Using the LIBRARY= Option
        11. Using the LIBRARY= Option and List Feature
    13. DISPLAY Procedure
      1. Overview: DISPLAY Procedure
      2. Syntax: DISPLAY Procedure
        1. PROC DISPLAY Statement
      3. Example: Executing a SAS/AF Application
    14. DS2 Procedure
      1. Overview: DS2 Procedure
      2. Concepts: DS2 Procedure
        1. Benefits of the DS2 Language
        2. Data Source Support
        3. Data Source Connection
        4. RUN-Group Processing
        5. Applying DS2 Table Options
        6. Macro Variables
        7. Security
        8. DS2 Data Type Support
      3. Syntax: DS2 Procedure
        1. PROC DS2 Statement
        2. RUN CANCEL Statement
      4. Examples: DS2 Procedure (1/2)
      5. Examples: DS2 Procedure (2/2)
        1. Introducing DS2 Code
        2. Creating a SAS Data Set
        3. Terminating the Current Step in Line Prompt Mode
        4. Creating Tables Based on a Condition
    15. EXPORT Procedure
      1. Overview: Export Procedure
      2. Syntax: EXPORT Procedure
        1. PROC EXPORT Statement
        2. DBENCODING Statement
        3. DELIMITER Statement
        4. FMTLIB Statement
        5. META Statement
      3. Examples: EXPORT Procedure
        1. Exporting to a Delimited External Data Source
        2. Exporting a Subset of Observations to a CSV File
    16. FCMP Procedure
      1. Overview: FCMP Procedure
        1. What Does the FCMP Procedure Do?
      2. Concepts: FCMP Procedure
        1. Creating Functions and Subroutines
        2. Creating Functions and Subroutines: An Example
        3. Writing Your Own Functions
        4. Using Functions as Formats
        5. Using DATA Step Statements with PROC FCMP
      3. Syntax: FCMP Procedure (1/2)
      4. Syntax: FCMP Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC FCMP Statement
        2. ABORT Statement
        3. ARRAY Statement
        4. ATTRIB Statement
        5. DELETEFUNC Statement
        6. DELETESUBR Statement
        7. FUNCTION Statement
        8. LABEL Statement
        9. LISTFUNC Statement
        10. LISTSUBR Statement
        11. OUTARGS Statement
        12. STRUCT Statement
        13. SUBROUTINE Statement
      5. PROC FCMP and DATA Step Differences
        1. Overview of PROC FCMP and DATA Step Differences
        2. Differences Between PROC FCMP and the DATA Step
        3. Additional Features in PROC FCMP
      6. Working with Arrays
        1. Passing Arrays
        2. Resizing Arrays
      7. Using Macros with PROC FCMP Routines
      8. Variable Scope in PROC FCMP Routines
        1. The Concept of Variable Scope
        2. When Local Variables in Different Routines Have the Same Name
      9. Recursion
      10. Directory Transversal
        1. Overview of Directory Transversal
        2. Directory Transversal Example
      11. Identifying the Location of Compiled Functions and Subroutines: The CMPLIB= System Option (1/2)
      12. Identifying the Location of Compiled Functions and Subroutines: The CMPLIB= System Option (2/2)
        1. Overview of the CMPLIB= System Option
        2. Syntax of the CMPLIB= System Option
        3. Example 1: Setting the CMPLIB= System Option
        4. Example 2: Compiling and Using Functions
        5. Example 3: Identifying the Data Set Name from Where SAS Loaded a Function
      13. PROC FCMP and DATA Step Component Objects
      14. Examples: FCMP Procedure (1/3)
      15. Examples: FCMP Procedure (2/3)
      16. Examples: FCMP Procedure (3/3)
        1. Creating a Function and Calling the Function from a DATA Step
        2. Creating and Saving Functions with PROC FCMP
        3. Using Numeric Data in the FUNCTION Statement
        4. Using Character Data with the FUNCTION Statement
        5. Using Variable Arguments with an Array
        6. Using the SUBROUTINE Statement with a CALL Statement
        7. Using Graph Template Language (GTL) with User-Defined Functions
        8. Standardizing Each Row of a Data Set
    17. FCMP Special Functions and Call Routines
      1. Overview of Special Functions and CALL Routines
      2. Functions and CALL Routines by Category
        1. Reading Arrays and Writing Arrays to a Data Set
        2. CALL Routines for Matrix Operations
        3. C Helper Functions and CALL Routines
        4. Functions for Calling SAS Code from within Functions
        5. Special Purpose Functions
        6. Functions and CALL Routines by Category
      3. Dictionary (1/8)
      4. Dictionary (2/8)
      5. Dictionary (3/8)
      6. Dictionary (4/8)
      7. Dictionary (5/8)
      8. Dictionary (6/8)
      9. Dictionary (7/8)
      10. Dictionary (8/8)
        1. CALL ADDMATRIX Routine
        2. CALL CHOL Routine
        3. CALL DET Routine
        4. CALL DYNAMIC_ARRAY Routine
        5. CALL ELEMMULT Routine
        6. CALL EXPMATRIX Routine
        7. CALL FILLMATRIX Routine
        8. CALL IDENTITY Routine
        9. CALL INV Routine
        10. CALL MULT Routine
        11. CALL POWER Routine
        12. CALL SETNULL Routine
        13. CALL STRUCTINDEX Routine
        14. CALL SUBTRACTMATRIX Routine
        15. CALL TRANSPOSE Routine
        16. CALL ZEROMATRIX Routine
        17. INVCDF Function
        18. ISNULL Function
        19. LIMMOMENT Function
        20. READ_ARRAY Function
        21. RUN_MACRO Function
        22. RUN_SASFILE Function
        23. SOLVE Function
        24. WRITE_ARRAY
    18. FCmp Function Editor
      1. Introduction to the FCmp Function Editor
      2. Open the FCmp Function Editor
      3. Working with Existing Functions
        1. Open a Function
        2. Opening Multiple Functions
        3. Move a Function
        4. Close a Function
        5. Duplicate a Function
        6. Rename a Function
        7. Delete a Function
      4. Creating a New Function
      5. Displaying New Libraries in the FCmp Function Editor
      6. Viewing the Log Window, Function Browser, and Data Explorer
        1. Log Window
        2. Tabs and Buttons in the Log Window
        3. Function Browser
        4. Data Explorer
      7. Using Functions in Your DATA Step Program
    19. FEDSQL Procedure
      1. Overview: FEDSQL Procedure
      2. Concepts: FEDSQL Procedure
        1. Benefits of FedSQL
        2. Data Source Support
        3. Data Source Connection
        4. Applying the FedSQL Table Options
        5. Macro Variables
        6. Security
        7. FedSQL Data Type Support
      3. Syntax: FEDSQL Procedure
        1. PROC FEDSQL Statement
      4. Examples: FEDSQL Procedure (1/2)
      5. Examples: FEDSQL Procedure (2/2)
        1. Creating a SAS Data Set
        2. Accessing Multiple Data Sources with a Federated Query
        3. Creating a Table from Existing Tables
        4. Querying Data Using a Correlated Subquery
        5. Creating and Using a DBMS Index to Perform a Join
    20. FONTREG Procedure
      1. Overview: FONTREG Procedure
      2. Concepts: FONTREG Procedure
        1. Supported Font Types and Font Naming Conventions
        2. Registering Fonts with PROC FONTREG
        3. Removing Fonts from the SAS Registry
        4. Font Aliases and Locales
      3. Syntax: FONTREG Procedure (1/2)
      4. Syntax: FONTREG Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC FONTREG Statement
        2. FONTFILE Statement
        3. FONTPATH Statement
        4. REMOVE Statement
        5. TRUETYPE Statement
        6. TYPE1 Statement
      5. Examples: FONTREG Procedure
        1. Adding a Single Font File
        2. Adding All Font Files from Multiple Directories
        3. Replacing Existing TrueType Font Files from a Directory
    21. FORMAT Procedure
      1. Overview: FORMAT Procedure
        1. What Does the FORMAT Procedure Do?
        2. What Are Formats and Informats?
        3. How Are Formats and Informats Associated with a Variable?
      2. Concepts: FORMAT Procedure
        1. Associating Informats and Formats with Variables
        2. Storing Informats and Formats
        3. Printing Informats and Formats
        4. A Binary Search Determines the User-Defined Format or Informat for a Value
      3. Syntax: FORMAT Procedure (1/7)
      4. Syntax: FORMAT Procedure (2/7)
      5. Syntax: FORMAT Procedure (3/7)
      6. Syntax: FORMAT Procedure (4/7)
      7. Syntax: FORMAT Procedure (5/7)
      8. Syntax: FORMAT Procedure (6/7)
      9. Syntax: FORMAT Procedure (7/7)
        1. PROC FORMAT Statement
        2. EXCLUDE Statement
        3. INVALUE Statement
        4. PICTURE Statement
        5. SELECT Statement
        6. VALUE Statement
      10. Specifying Values or Ranges
      11. Using a Function to Format Values
      12. Viewing a Format Definition Using SAS Explorer
      13. Results: FORMAT Procedure (1/2)
      14. Results: FORMAT Procedure (2/2)
        1. Output Control Data Set
        2. Input Control Data Set
        3. Procedure Output
      15. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (1/8)
      16. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (2/8)
      17. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (3/8)
      18. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (4/8)
      19. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (5/8)
      20. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (6/8)
      21. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (7/8)
      22. Examples: FORMAT Procedure (8/8)
        1. Create the Example Data Set
        2. Creating a Picture Format
        3. Creating a Picture Format for Large Dollar Amounts
        4. Creating a Format for Character Values
        5. Writing a Format for Dates Using a Standard SAS Format and a Color Background
        6. Converting Raw Character Data to Numeric Values
        7. Creating a Format from a Data Set
        8. Printing the Description of Informats and Formats
        9. Retrieving a Permanent Format
        10. Writing Ranges for Character Strings
        11. Filling a Picture Format
        12. Creating a Format in a non-English Language
        13. Creating a Locale-Specific Format Catalog
        14. Creating a Function to Use as a Format
        15. Using a Format to Create a Drill-down Table
    22. FSLIST Procedure
      1. Overview: FSLIST Procedure
      2. Syntax: FSLIST Procedure
        1. PROC FSLIST Statement
      3. FSLIST Command
        1. Syntax
        2. Without Arguments
        3. Optional Arguments
      4. Using the FSLIST Window (1/2)
      5. Using the FSLIST Window (2/2)
        1. Overview of the FSLIST Window
        2. FSLIST Window Commands
    23. GROOVY Procedure
      1. Overview: GROOVY Procedure
      2. Syntax: GROOVY Procedure
        1. PROC GROOVY Statement
        2. ADD Statement
        3. EVALUATE Statement
        4. EXECUTE Statement
        5. SUBMIT Statement
        6. ENDSUBMIT Statement
        7. CLEAR Statement
      3. Special Variables
        1. BINDING
        2. ARGS
        3. EXPORTS
        4. SHELL
      4. Example: Define Classes
    24. HADOOP Procedure
      1. Overview: HADOOP Procedure
      2. Concepts: HADOOP Procedure
        1. Using PROC HADOOP
        2. Submitting Hadoop Distributed File System Commands
        3. Submitting MapReduce Programs
        4. Submitting Pig Language Code
        5. Submitting Configuration Properties
      3. Syntax: HADOOP Procedure (1/2)
      4. Syntax: HADOOP Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC HADOOP Statement
        2. HDFS Statement
        3. MAPREDUCE Statement
        4. PIG Statement
        5. PROPERTIES Statement
      5. Examples: HADOOP Procedure (1/2)
      6. Examples: HADOOP Procedure (2/2)
        1. Submitting HDFS Commands
        2. Submitting a MapReduce Program
        3. Submitting Pig Language Code
        4. Submitting Configuration Properties
    25. HTTP Procedure
      1. Overview: HTTP Procedure
      2. Syntax: HTTP Procedure
        1. PROC HTTP Statement
      3. Using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
        1. HTTP Security: SSL and Data Encryption
        2. Making PROC HTTP Calls by Using the HTTPS Protocol
      4. Using Authentication Other Than Basic
      5. Wire Logging
      6. Using Encodings with PROC HTTP
      7. Examples: HTTP Procedure
        1. A Simple POST Request
        2. A POST Through a Proxy
        3. A POST Through a Proxy That Requires Authentication
        4. A POST That Captures the Response Headers
    26. IMPORT Procedure
      1. Overview: IMPORT Procedure
      2. Syntax: IMPORT Procedure (1/2)
      3. Syntax: IMPORT Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC IMPORT Statement
        2. DATAROW Statement
        3. DBENCODING Statement
        4. DELIMITER Statement
        5. FMTLIB Statement
        6. GETNAMES Statement
        7. GUESSINGROWS Statement
        8. META Statement
      4. Examples: IMPORT Procedure (1/2)
      5. Examples: IMPORT Procedure (2/2)
        1. Importing a Delimited File
        2. Importing a Specific Delimited File Using a Fileref
        3. Importing a Tab-Delimited File
        4. Importing a Comma-Delimited File with a CSV Extension
    27. JAVAINFO Procedure
      1. Overview: JAVAINFO Procedure
      2. Syntax: JAVAINFO Procedure
        1. PROC JAVAINFO Statement
    28. JSON Procedure
      1. Overview: JSON Procedure
      2. Concepts: JSON Procedure (1/2)
      3. Concepts: JSON Procedure (2/2)
        1. Exporting Data
        2. Writing Values to a JSON Output File
        3. Controlling JSON Output with Options
        4. JSON Output File Containers
        5. Missing Values
        6. Scanning Input Strings
        7. JSON Output File Encoding
      4. Syntax: JSON Procedure (1/2)
      5. Syntax: JSON Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC JSON Statement
        2. EXPORT Statement
        3. WRITE VALUES Statement
        4. WRITE OPEN Statement
        5. WRITE CLOSE Statement
      6. Examples: JSON Procedure (1/3)
      7. Examples: JSON Procedure (2/3)
      8. Examples: JSON Procedure (3/3)
        1. Exporting a JSON File Using Default Options
        2. Using Options to Control JSON Output
        3. Writing JSON Output without Exporting a SAS Data Set
        4. Controlling JSON Containers and Writing Values
        5. Applying SAS Formats to the Resulting Output
    29. MEANS Procedure
      1. Overview: MEANS Procedure
        1. What Does the MEANS Procedure Do?
        2. What Types of Output Does PROC MEANS Produce?
      2. Concepts: MEANS Procedure
        1. Using Class Variables
        2. Computational Resources
        3. In-Database Processing for PROC MEANS
        4. Threaded Processing of Input DATA Sets
      3. Syntax: MEANS Procedure (1/7)
      4. Syntax: MEANS Procedure (2/7)
      5. Syntax: MEANS Procedure (3/7)
      6. Syntax: MEANS Procedure (4/7)
      7. Syntax: MEANS Procedure (5/7)
      8. Syntax: MEANS Procedure (6/7)
      9. Syntax: MEANS Procedure (7/7)
        1. PROC MEANS Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. CLASS Statement
        4. FREQ Statement
        5. ID Statement
        6. OUTPUT Statement
        7. TYPES Statement
        8. VAR Statement
        9. WAYS Statement
        10. WEIGHT Statement
      10. Statistical Computations: MEANS Procedure
        1. Computation of Moment Statistics
        2. Confidence Limits
        3. Student's t Test
        4. Quantiles
      11. Results: MEANS Procedure
        1. Missing Values
        2. Column Width for the Output
        3. The N Obs Statistic
        4. Output Data Set
      12. Examples: MEANS Procedure (1/8)
      13. Examples: MEANS Procedure (2/8)
      14. Examples: MEANS Procedure (3/8)
      15. Examples: MEANS Procedure (4/8)
      16. Examples: MEANS Procedure (5/8)
      17. Examples: MEANS Procedure (6/8)
      18. Examples: MEANS Procedure (7/8)
      19. Examples: MEANS Procedure (8/8)
        1. Computing Specific Descriptive Statistics
        2. Computing Descriptive Statistics with Class Variables
        3. Using the BY Statement with Class Variables
        4. Using a CLASSDATA= Data Set with Class Variables
        5. Using Multilabel Value Formats with Class Variables
        6. Using Preloaded Formats with Class Variables
        7. Computing a Confidence Limit for the Mean
        8. Computing Output Statistics
        9. Computing Different Output Statistics for Several Variables
        10. Computing Output Statistics with Missing Class Variable Values
        11. Identifying an Extreme Value with the Output Statistics
        12. Identifying the Top Three Extreme Values with the Output Statistics
        13. Using the STACKODSOUTPUT Option to Control Data
      20. References
    30. MIGRATE Procedure
      1. Overview: MIGRATE Procedure
        1. What Does the MIGRATE Procedure Do?
        2. Best Practices
      2. Considerations for Each Member Type
        1. Data Files
        3. Catalogs
        4. MDDBs
        5. Items Stores
        6. Not Supported
      3. Syntax: MIGRATE Procedure
        1. PROC MIGRATE Statement
      4. Migrating a Data File with Audit Trails, Generations, Indexes, or Integrity Constraints
      5. Migrating a SAS Data Set with NODUPKEY Sort Indicator
      6. Migrating a SAS 6 Library
      7. Migrating a Data Set That Contains Non-English Characters
      8. Migrating Files with Short Extensions on PC Operating Environments
        1. Overview
        2. SAS®9 Compatibility with Short-Extension Files
      9. Migrating a Library with Validation Tools
      10. Using the SLIBREF= Option
        1. When to Use the SLIBREF= Option
        2. When to Not Use the SLIBREF= Option
        3. Requirements for the SAS/CONNECT or SAS/SHARE Server
        4. Restrictions for the SLIBREF= Option
      11. Examples: MIGRATE Procedure (1/2)
      12. Examples: MIGRATE Procedure (2/2)
        1. Migrating across Computers
        2. Migrating with Incompatible Catalogs across Computers
        3. Migrating on the Same Computer
        4. Migrating with Incompatible Catalogs on the Same Computer
        5. Migrating from a SAS®9 Release with Incompatible Catalogs
        6. Additional Steps for Unsupported Catalogs
        7. Alternatives to PROC MIGRATE
    31. OPTIONS Procedure
      1. Overview: OPTIONS Procedure
      2. Syntax: OPTIONS Procedure
        1. PROC OPTIONS Statement
      3. Displaying a List of System Options
      4. Displaying Information about One or More Options
      5. Displaying Information about System Option Groups
      6. Displaying Restricted Options
      7. Displaying Options That Can Be Saved
      8. Results: OPTIONS Procedure
      9. Examples: OPTIONS Procedure
        1. Producing the Short Form of the Options Listing
        2. Displaying the Setting of a Single Option
        3. Displaying Expanded Path Environment Variables
        4. List the Options That Can Be Specified by the INSERT and APPEND Options
    32. OPTLOAD Procedure
      1. Overview: OPTLOAD Procedure
      2. Syntax: OPTLOAD Procedure
        1. PROC OPTLOAD Statement
      3. Example: Load a Data Set of Saved System Options
    33. OPTSAVE Procedure
      1. Overview: OPTSAVE Procedure
      2. Syntax: OPTSAVE Procedure
        1. PROC OPTSAVE Statement
      3. Determining If a Single Option Can Be Saved
      4. Creating a List of Options That Can Be Saved
      5. Example: Saving System Options in a Data Set
    34. PLOT Procedure
      1. Overview: PLOT Procedure
      2. Concepts: PLOT Procedure (1/2)
      3. Concepts: PLOT Procedure (2/2)
        1. RUN Groups
        2. Generating Data with Program Statements
        3. Labeling Plot Points with Values of a Variable
        4. Specifying Variable Lists in Plot Requests
        5. Specifying Combinations of Variables
      4. Syntax: PLOT Procedure (1/4)
      5. Syntax: PLOT Procedure (2/4)
      6. Syntax: PLOT Procedure (3/4)
      7. Syntax: PLOT Procedure (4/4)
        1. PROC PLOT Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. PLOT Statement
      8. Results: PLOT Procedure
        1. Scale of the Axes
        2. Printed Output
        3. ODS Table Names
        4. Portability of ODS Output with PROC PLOT
        5. Missing Values
        6. Hidden Observations
      9. Examples: PLOT Procedure (1/8)
      10. Examples: PLOT Procedure (2/8)
      11. Examples: PLOT Procedure (3/8)
      12. Examples: PLOT Procedure (4/8)
      13. Examples: PLOT Procedure (5/8)
      14. Examples: PLOT Procedure (6/8)
      15. Examples: PLOT Procedure (7/8)
      16. Examples: PLOT Procedure (8/8)
        1. Specifying a Plotting Symbol
        2. Controlling the Horizontal Axis and Adding a Reference Line
        3. Overlaying Two Plots
        4. Producing Multiple Plots per Page
        5. Plotting Data on a Logarithmic Scale
        6. Plotting Date Values on an Axis
        7. Producing a Contour Plot
        8. Plotting BY Groups
        9. Adding Labels to a Plot
        10. Excluding Observations That Have Missing Values
        11. Adjusting Labels on a Plot with the PLACEMENT= Option
        12. Adjusting Labeling on a Plot with a Macro
        13. Changing a Default Penalty
    35. PMENU Procedure
      1. Overview: PMENU Procedure
      2. Concepts: PMENU Procedure
        1. Procedure Execution
        2. Steps for Building and Using PMENU Catalog Entries
        3. Templates for Coding PROC PMENU Steps
      3. Syntax: PMENU Procedure (1/3)
      4. Syntax: PMENU Procedure (2/3)
      5. Syntax: PMENU Procedure (3/3)
        1. PROC PMENU Statement
        2. CHECKBOX Statement
        3. DIALOG Statement
        4. ITEM Statement
        5. MENU Statement
        6. RADIOBOX Statement
        7. RBUTTON Statement
        8. SELECTION Statement
        9. SEPARATOR Statement
        10. SUBMENU Statement
        11. TEXT Statement
      6. Examples: PMENU Procedure (1/5)
      7. Examples: PMENU Procedure (2/5)
      8. Examples: PMENU Procedure (3/5)
      9. Examples: PMENU Procedure (4/5)
      10. Examples: PMENU Procedure (5/5)
        1. Building a Menu Bar for an FSEDIT Application
        2. Collecting User Input in a Dialog Box
        3. Creating a Dialog Box to Search Multiple Variables
        4. Creating Menus for a DATA Step Window Application
        5. Associating Menus with a FRAME Application
    36. PRESENV Procedure
      1. What Does the PRESENV Procedure Do?
      2. Global Statements That Can Be Saved
      3. Syntax: PRESENV Procedure
        1. PROC PRESENV Statement
      4. Executing PROC PRESENV
      5. Restoring the Environment in a Subsequent Job
    37. PRINT Procedure
      1. Overview: PRINT Procedure
        1. What Does the PRINT Procedure Do?
        2. Simple LISTING Report
        3. Customized Report
      2. Concepts: PRINT Procedure
        1. About PROC PRINT Output
        2. Page Layout for HTML, the Default ODS Destination
        3. Page Layout for Limited Page Sizes
      3. Syntax: PRINT Procedure (1/4)
      4. Syntax: PRINT Procedure (2/4)
      5. Syntax: PRINT Procedure (3/4)
      6. Syntax: PRINT Procedure (4/4)
        1. PROC PRINT Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. ID Statement
        4. PAGEBY Statement
        5. SUM Statement
        6. SUMBY Statement
        7. VAR Statement
      7. Error Processing in the PRINT Procedure Output
      8. Examples: PRINT Procedure
        1. Selecting Variables to Print
        2. Customizing Text in Column Headings
        3. Creating Separate Sections of a Report for Groups of Observations
        4. Summing Numeric Variables with One BY Group
        5. Summing Numeric Variables with Multiple BY Variables
        6. Limiting the Number of Sums in a Report
        7. Controlling the Layout of a Report with Many Variables
        8. Creating a Customized Layout with BY Groups and ID Variables
        9. Printing All the Data Sets in a SAS Library
    38. PRINTTO Procedure
      1. Overview: PRINTTO Procedure
      2. Syntax: PRINTTO Procedure
        1. PROC PRINTTO Statement
      3. Setting Page Numbers Using SAS System Options
      4. Routing SAS Log or Procedure Output Directly to a Printer
      5. PROC PRINTTO and the LISTING Destination
      6. Examples: PRINTTO Procedure
        1. Routing to External Files
        2. Routing to SAS Catalog Entries
        3. Using Procedure Output as an Input File
        4. Routing to a Printer
    39. PROTO Procedure
      1. Overview: PROTO Procedure
      2. Concepts: PROTO Procedure (1/2)
      3. Concepts: PROTO Procedure (2/2)
        1. Registering Function Prototypes
        2. Supported C Return Types
        3. Supported C Argument Types
        4. C Structures in SAS
      4. Syntax: PROTO Procedure
        1. PROC PROTO Statement
        2. LINK Statement
        3. MAPMISS Statement
      5. Basic C Language Types
      6. Working with Character Variables
      7. Working with Numeric Variables
      8. Working with Missing Values
      9. Function Names
      10. Interfacing with External C Functions
      11. Scope of Packages in PROC PROTO
      12. C Helper Functions and CALL Routines
        1. What Are C Helper Functions and CALL Routines?
        2. ISNULL C Helper Function
        3. SETNULL C Helper CALL Routine
        4. STRUCTINDEX C Helper CALL Routine
      13. Example: Splitter Function Example
    40. PRTDEF Procedure
      1. Overview: PRTDEF Procedure
      2. Syntax: PRTDEF Procedure
        1. PROC PRTDEF Statement
      3. Input Data Set: PRTDEF Procedure
        1. Summary of Valid Variables
        2. Required Variables
        3. Optional Variables
      4. Examples: PRTDEF Procedure (1/2)
      5. Examples: PRTDEF Procedure (2/2)
        1. Defining Multiple Printer Definitions
        2. Creating a Ghostview Printer in SASUSER to Preview PostScript Printer Output in SASUSER
        3. Creating a Single Printer Definition That Is Available to All Users
        4. Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Printer Definitions
        5. Deleting a Single Printer Definition
    41. PRTEXP Procedure
      1. Overview: PRTEXP Procedure
      2. Concepts: PRTEXP Procedure
      3. Syntax: PRTEXP Procedure
        1. PROC PRTEXP Statement
        2. EXCLUDE Statement
        3. SELECT Statement
      4. Examples: PRTEXP Procedure
        1. Writing Attributes to the SAS Log
        2. Writing Attributes to a SAS Data Set
    42. PWENCODE Procedure
      1. Overview: PWENCODE Procedure
      2. Concepts: PWENCODE Procedure
        1. Using Encoded Passwords in SAS Programs
        2. Encoding versus Encryption
      3. Syntax: PWENCODE Procedure
        1. PROC PWENCODE Statement
      4. Examples: PWENCODE Procedure
        1. Encoding a Password
        2. Using an Encoded Password in a SAS Program
        3. Saving an Encoded Password to the Paste Buffer
        4. Specifying Method= SAS003 to Encode a Password
    43. QDEVICE Procedure
      1. Overview: QDEVICE Procedure
      2. Concepts: QDEVICE Procedure
        1. Reports for Windows Operating Environments
      3. Syntax: QDEVICE Procedure
        1. PROC QDEVICE Statement
        2. DEVICE Statement
        3. PRINTER Statement
        4. VAR Statement
      4. Variables Common to All Reports
      5. Creating a GENERAL Report
        1. About GENERAL Report Variables
        2. System Options That Affect the Value of Size Variables
        3. Example: GENERAL Report
      6. Creating a FONT Report
        1. About FONT Report Variables
        2. Variable Labels in a FONT Report
        3. Example: FONT Report
      7. Creating a DEVOPTION Report
        1. About DEVOPTION Report Variables
        2. Example: DEVOPTION Report
      8. Creating a LINESTYLE Report
        1. About LINESTYLE Report Variables
        2. Example: LINESTYLE Report
      9. Creating a RECTANGLE Report
        1. About RECTANGLE Report Variables
        2. Example: RECTANGLE Report
      10. Creating a SYMBOL Report
        1. About SYMBOL Report Variables
        2. Example: SYMBOL Report
      11. Examples: QDEVICE Procedure (1/3)
      12. Examples: QDEVICE Procedure (2/3)
      13. Examples: QDEVICE Procedure (3/3)
        1. Generate a Report for the Default Display Device
        2. Generate a General Report for All Devices
        3. Generate a Report for SAS/GRAPH Device Drivers and Universal Printers
        4. Generate a Report for the Default Printer
        5. Generate a Font Report
        6. Generate a Device Option Report
        7. Specify a User Library and Catalog for a Report
    44. RANK Procedure
      1. Overview: RANK Procedure
        1. What Does the RANK Procedure Do?
        2. Ranking Data
      2. Concepts: RANK Procedure
        1. Computer Resources
        2. Statistical Applications
        3. Treatment of Tied Values
        4. In-Database Processing for PROC RANK
      3. Syntax: RANK Procedure (1/2)
      4. Syntax: RANK Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC RANK Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. RANKS Statement
        4. VAR Statement
      5. Results: RANK Procedure
        1. Missing Values
        2. Output Data Set
        3. Numeric Precision
      6. Examples: RANK Procedure (1/2)
      7. Examples: RANK Procedure (2/2)
        1. Ranking Values of Multiple Variables
        2. Ranking Values within BY Groups
        3. Partitioning Observations into Groups Based on Ranks
      8. References
    45. REGISTRY Procedure
      1. Overview: REGISTRY Procedure
      2. Syntax: REGISTRY Procedure
        1. PROC REGISTRY Statement
      3. Creating Registry Files with the REGISTRY Procedure
        1. Structure of a Registry File
        2. Specifying Key Names
        3. Specifying Values for Keys
        4. Sample Registry Entries
      4. Examples: REGISTRY Procedure (1/2)
      5. Examples: REGISTRY Procedure (2/2)
        1. Importing a File to the SAS Registry
        2. Listing and Exporting the Registry File
        3. Comparing the Registry to an External File
        4. Comparing Registry Files
        5. Specifying an Entire Key Sequence with the STARTAT= Option
        6. Displaying a List of Fonts
    46. REPORT Procedure
      1. Overview: REPORT Procedure
        1. What Does the REPORT Procedure Do?
        2. What Types of Reports Can PROC REPORT Produce?
        3. What Do the Various Types of Reports Look Like?
      2. Concepts: REPORT Procedure (1/4)
      3. Concepts: REPORT Procedure (2/4)
      4. Concepts: REPORT Procedure (3/4)
      5. Concepts: REPORT Procedure (4/4)
        1. Laying Out a Report
        2. Using Compute Blocks
        3. Using Break Lines
        4. Using Compound Names
        5. Using Style Elements in PROC REPORT
        6. Printing a Report
        7. Storing and Reusing a Report Definition
        8. ODS Destinations Supported by PROC REPORT
        9. Threaded Processing of Input DATA Sets
      6. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (1/12)
      7. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (2/12)
      8. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (3/12)
      9. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (4/12)
      10. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (5/12)
      11. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (6/12)
      12. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (7/12)
      13. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (8/12)
      14. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (9/12)
      15. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (10/12)
      16. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (11/12)
      17. Syntax: REPORT Procedure (12/12)
        1. PROC REPORT Statement
        2. BREAK Statement
        3. BY Statement
        4. CALL DEFINE Statement
        5. COLUMN Statement
        6. COMPUTE Statement
        7. DEFINE Statement
        8. ENDCOMP Statement
        9. FREQ Statement
        10. LINE Statement
        11. RBREAK Statement
        12. WEIGHT Statement
      18. In-Database Processing for PROC REPORT
      19. How PROC REPORT Builds a Report (1/3)
      20. How PROC REPORT Builds a Report (2/3)
      21. How PROC REPORT Builds a Report (3/3)
        1. Sequence of Events
        2. Construction of Summary Lines
        3. Report-Building Examples
      22. Examples: REPORT Procedure (1/14)
      23. Examples: REPORT Procedure (2/14)
      24. Examples: REPORT Procedure (3/14)
      25. Examples: REPORT Procedure (4/14)
      26. Examples: REPORT Procedure (5/14)
      27. Examples: REPORT Procedure (6/14)
      28. Examples: REPORT Procedure (7/14)
      29. Examples: REPORT Procedure (8/14)
      30. Examples: REPORT Procedure (9/14)
      31. Examples: REPORT Procedure (10/14)
      32. Examples: REPORT Procedure (11/14)
      33. Examples: REPORT Procedure (12/14)
      34. Examples: REPORT Procedure (13/14)
      35. Examples: REPORT Procedure (14/14)
        1. Selecting Variables for a Report
        2. Ordering the Rows in a Report
        3. Using Aliases to Obtain Multiple Statistics for the Same Variable
        4. Consolidating Multiple Observations into One Row of a Report
        5. Creating a Column for Each Value of a Variable
        6. Displaying Multiple Statistics for One Variable
        7. Storing and Reusing a Report Definition
        8. Condensing a Report into Multiple Panels
        9. Writing a Customized Summary on Each Page
        10. Calculating Percentages
        11. How PROC REPORT Handles Missing Values
        12. Creating and Processing an Output Data Set
        13. Storing Computed Variables as Part of a Data Set
        14. Using a Format to Create Groups
        15. Specifying Style Elements for ODS Output in the PROC REPORT Statement
        16. Specifying Style Elements for ODS Output in Multiple Statements
        17. Using Multilabel Formats
        18. Using the WIDTH= and CELLWIDTH= Style Attributes with PROC REPORT
    47. REPORT Procedure Windows
      1. Overview of REPORT Procedure Windows
      2. Dictionary (1/5)
      3. Dictionary (2/5)
      4. Dictionary (3/5)
      5. Dictionary (4/5)
      6. Dictionary (5/5)
        1. BREAK
        2. COMPUTE
        3. COMPUTED VAR
        4. DATA COLUMNS
        6. DEFINITION
        7. DISPLAY PAGE
        8. EXPLORE
        9. FORMATS
        10. LOAD REPORT
        11. MESSAGES
        12. PROFILE
        13. PROMPTER
        14. REPORT
        15. ROPTIONS
        16. SAVE DATA SET
        18. SOURCE
        19. STATISTICS
        20. WHERE
        21. WHERE ALSO
    48. SCAPROC Procedure
      1. Overview: SCAPROC Procedure
      2. Concepts: SCAPROC Procedure
        1. Handling Global Statements
      3. Syntax: SCAPROC Procedure
        1. PROC SCAPROC Statement
        2. RECORD Statement
        3. WRITE Statement
      4. Results
      5. Examples: SCAPROC Procedure
        1. Specifying a Record File
        2. Specifying the Grid Job Generator
    49. SOAP Procedure
      1. Overview: SOAP Procedure
      2. Concepts: SOAP Procedure
      3. Syntax: SOAP Procedure
        1. PROC SOAP Statement
      4. Using PROC SOAP with Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
        1. SSL and Data Encryption
        2. Making PROC SOAP Calls by Using the HTTPS Protocol
      5. Methods of Calling SAS Registered Web Services
      6. Calling a SAS Secured Service without Providing Credentials
      7. Specifying an Output Log File
      8. Examples: SOAP Procedure (1/2)
      9. Examples: SOAP Procedure (2/2)
        1. Using PROC SOAP with a SOAPEnvelope Element
        2. Using PROC SOAP without a SOAPEnvelope Element
        3. Calling a Web Service by Using a Proxy
        4. Calling a SAS Registered Web Service Using the Service Registry Service
        5. Calling a SAS Registered Web Service Using the SAS Environments File
        6. Changing the Default Time-out for Web Service Calls
    50. SORT Procedure
      1. Overview: SORT Procedure
        1. What Does the SORT Procedure Do?
        2. Sorting SAS Data Sets
      2. Concepts: SORT Procedure
        1. Threaded Sorting
        2. Sorting Orders for Numeric Variables
        3. Sorting Orders for Character Variables
        4. Stored Sort Information
        5. Presorted Input Data Sets
        6. ICU and Linguistic Sorting of Data Sets
      3. Syntax: SORT Procedure (1/4)
      4. Syntax: SORT Procedure (2/4)
      5. Syntax: SORT Procedure (3/4)
      6. Syntax: SORT Procedure (4/4)
        1. PROC SORT Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. KEY Statement
      7. In-Database Processing: PROC SORT
      8. Integrity Constraints: SORT Procedure
      9. Results: SORT Procedure
        1. Procedure Output
        2. Output Data Set
      10. Examples: SORT Procedure (1/3)
      11. Examples: SORT Procedure (2/3)
      12. Examples: SORT Procedure (3/3)
        1. Sorting by the Values of Multiple Variables
        2. Sorting in Descending Order
        3. Maintaining the Relative Order of Observations in Each BY Group
        4. Retaining the First Observation of Each BY Group
    51. STANDARD Procedure
      1. Overview: STANDARD Procedure
        1. What Does the STANDARD Procedure Do?
        2. Standardizing Data
      2. Syntax: STANDARD Procedure (1/2)
      3. Syntax: STANDARD Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC STANDARD Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. FREQ Statement
        4. VAR Statement
        5. WEIGHT Statement
      4. Statistical Computations: STANDARD Procedure
      5. Results: STANDARD Procedure
        1. Missing Values
        2. Output Data Set
      6. Examples: STANDARD Procedure
        1. Standardizing to a Given Mean and Standard Deviation
        2. Standardizing BY Groups and Replacing Missing Values
    52. STREAM Procedure
      1. What Does the STREAM Procedure Do?
      2. Concepts: STREAM Procedure
        1. Producing an HTML Stream That Has a Table
        2. Tokenizer Limitations
      3. Syntax: STREAM Procedure
        1. PROC STREAM Statement
      4. Using Macro-Based Code in the Input Stream
      5. Executing SAS Code
      6. Rich Text Format (RTF) File Output
      7. Using the READFILE Keyword
      8. Using %INCLUDE to Include a File in PROC STREAM
      9. Inserting a New Line into the Output Stream
      10. Ending the STREAM Procedure
    53. SUMMARY Procedure
      1. Overview: SUMMARY Procedure
      2. Syntax: SUMMARY Procedure
        1. PROC SUMMARY Statement
        2. VAR Statement
    54. TABULATE Procedure
      1. Overview: TABULATE Procedure
        1. What Does the TABULATE Procedure Do?
        2. Simple Tables
        3. Complex Tables
        4. PROC TABULATE and the Output Delivery System
      2. Concepts: TABULATE Procedure (1/3)
      3. Concepts: TABULATE Procedure (2/3)
      4. Concepts: TABULATE Procedure (3/3)
        1. Terminology: TABULATE Procedure
        2. Statistics That Are Available in PROC TABULATE
        3. Formatting Class Variables
        4. Formatting Values in Tables
        5. How Using BY-Group Processing Differs from Using the Page Dimension
        6. Calculating Percentages
        7. Using Style Elements in PROC TABULATE
        8. Threaded Processing of Input DATA Sets
      5. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (1/8)
      6. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (2/8)
      7. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (3/8)
      8. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (4/8)
      9. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (5/8)
      10. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (6/8)
      11. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (7/8)
      12. Syntax: TABULATE Procedure (8/8)
        1. PROC TABULATE Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. CLASS Statement
        4. CLASSLEV Statement
        5. FREQ Statement
        6. KEYLABEL Statement
        7. KEYWORD Statement
        8. TABLE Statement
        9. VAR Statement
        10. WEIGHT Statement
      13. In-Database Processing for PROC TABULATE
      14. Results: TABULATE Procedure (1/3)
      15. Results: TABULATE Procedure (2/3)
      16. Results: TABULATE Procedure (3/3)
        1. Missing Values
        2. Understanding the Order of Headings with ORDER=DATA
        3. Portability of ODS Output with PROC TABULATE
      17. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (1/13)
      18. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (2/13)
      19. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (3/13)
      20. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (4/13)
      21. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (5/13)
      22. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (6/13)
      23. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (7/13)
      24. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (8/13)
      25. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (9/13)
      26. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (10/13)
      27. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (11/13)
      28. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (12/13)
      29. Examples: TABULATE Procedure (13/13)
        1. Creating a Basic Two-Dimensional Table
        2. Specifying Class Variable Combinations to Appear in a Table
        3. Using Preloaded Formats with Class Variables
        4. Using Multilabel Formats
        5. Customizing Row and Column Headings
        6. Summarizing Information with the Universal Class Variable ALL
        7. Eliminating Row Headings
        8. Indenting Row Headings and Eliminating Horizontal Separators
        9. Creating Multipage Tables
        10. Reporting on Multiple-Response Survey Data
        11. Reporting on Multiple-Choice Survey Data
        12. Calculating Various Percentage Statistics
        13. Using Denominator Definitions to Display Basic Frequency Counts and Percentages
        14. Specifying Style Elements for ODS Output
        15. Style Precedence
        16. NOCELLMERGE Option
      30. References
    55. TIMEPLOT Procedure
      1. Overview: TIMEPLOT Procedure
      2. Syntax: TIMEPLOT Procedure (1/2)
      3. Syntax: TIMEPLOT Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC TIMEPLOT Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. CLASS Statement
        4. ID Statement
        5. PLOT Statement
      4. Results: TIMEPLOT Procedure
        1. Data Considerations
        2. Procedure Output
        3. ODS Table Names
        4. Missing Values
      5. Examples: TIMEPLOT Procedure (1/3)
      6. Examples: TIMEPLOT Procedure (2/3)
      7. Examples: TIMEPLOT Procedure (3/3)
        1. Plotting a Single Variable
        2. Customizing an Axis and a Plotting Symbol
        3. Using a Variable for a Plotting Symbol
        4. Superimposing Two Plots
        5. Showing Multiple Observations on One Line of a Plot
    56. TRANSPOSE Procedure
      1. Overview: TRANSPOSE Procedure
        1. What Does the TRANSPOSE Procedure Do?
        2. What Types of Transpositions Can PROC TRANSPOSE Perform?
      2. Syntax: TRANSPOSE Procedure (1/2)
      3. Syntax: TRANSPOSE Procedure (2/2)
        1. PROC TRANSPOSE Statement
        2. BY Statement
        3. COPY Statement
        4. ID Statement
        5. IDLABEL Statement
        6. VAR Statement
      4. Results: TRANSPOSE Procedure
        1. Output Data Set
        2. Output Data Set Variables
        3. Attributes of Transposed Variables
        4. Names of Transposed Variables
      5. Examples: TRANSPOSE Procedure (1/3)
      6. Examples: TRANSPOSE Procedure (2/3)
      7. Examples: TRANSPOSE Procedure (3/3)
        1. Performing a Simple Transposition
        2. Naming Transposed Variables
        3. Labeling Transposed Variables
        4. Transposing BY Groups
        5. Naming Transposed Variables When the ID Variable Has Duplicate Values
        6. Transposing Data for Statistical Analysis
    57. XSL Procedure
      1. Overview: XSL Procedure
        1. What Does the Extensible Style Sheet Language (XSL) Procedure Do?
        2. Understanding XSL
      2. Syntax: XSL Procedure
        1. PROC XSL Statement
        2. PARAMETER Statement
      3. Examples: XSL Procedure (1/2)
      4. Examples: XSL Procedure (2/2)
        1. Transforming an XML Document into Another XML Document
        2. Passing a Character String Parameter Value to the XSL Style Sheet
        3. Passing a Numeric Parameter Value to the XSL Style Sheet
  8. Appendixes
    1. SAS Elementary Statistics Procedures
      1. Overview of SAS Elementary Statistics Procedures
      2. Keywords and Formulas (1/2)
      3. Keywords and Formulas (2/2)
        1. Simple Statistics
        2. Descriptive Statistics
        3. Quantile and Related Statistics
        4. Hypothesis Testing Statistics
        5. Confidence Limits for the Mean
        6. Using Weights
        7. Data Requirements for Summarization Procedures
      4. Statistical Background (1/6)
      5. Statistical Background (2/6)
      6. Statistical Background (3/6)
      7. Statistical Background (4/6)
      8. Statistical Background (5/6)
      9. Statistical Background (6/6)
        1. Populations and Parameters
        2. Samples and Statistics
        3. Measures of Location
        4. Percentiles
        5. Quantiles
        6. Measures of Variability
        7. Measures of Shape
        8. The Normal Distribution
        9. Sampling Distribution of the Mean
        10. Testing Hypotheses
      10. References
    2. Operating Environment-Specific Procedures
    3. Raw Data and DATA Steps for Base SAS Procedures
      1. Overview of Raw Data and DATA Steps for Base SAS Procedures
      2. CARSURVEY
      3. CENSUS
      4. CHARITY
      5. CONTROL Library (1/5)
      6. CONTROL Library (2/5)
      7. CONTROL Library (3/5)
      8. CONTROL Library (4/5)
      9. CONTROL Library (5/5)
        1. Contents of the CONTROL Library
        2. CONTROL.ALL
        6. CONTROL.DRUG1
        7. CONTROL.DRUG2
        8. CONTROL.DRUG3
        9. CONTROL.DRUG4
        10. CONTROL.DRUG5
        11. CONTROL.GROUP
        12. CONTROL.MLSCL
        13. CONTROL.NAMES
        14. CONTROL.OXYGEN
        16. CONTROL.PHARM
        17. CONTROL.POINTS
        18. CONTROL.PRENAT
        20. CONTROL.SLEEP
        23. CONTROL.TEST2
        24. CONTROL.TRAIN
        25. CONTROL.VISION
        26. CONTROL.WEIGHT
        27. CONTROL.WGHT
      11. DJIA
      12. EDUCATION
      13. EMPDATA
      14. ENERGY
      15. EXP Library
        1. EXP.RESULTS
        2. EXP.SUR
      16. EXPREV
      17. GROC
      18. MATCH_11
      20. PROCLIB.EMP95
      21. PROCLIB.EMP96
      30. PROCLIB.STAFF2
      32. RADIO (1/3)
      33. RADIO (2/3)
      34. RADIO (3/3)
      35. SALES
    4. ICU License
      1. ICU License - ICU 1.8.1 and later
      2. Third-Party Software Licenses (1/2)
      3. Third-Party Software Licenses (2/2)
        1. 1. Unicode Data Files and Software
        2. 2. Chinese/Japanese Word Break Dictionary Data (cjdict.txt)
        3. 3. Time Zone Database
  9. Index (1/8)
  10. Index (2/8)
  11. Index (3/8)
  12. Index (4/8)
  13. Index (5/8)
  14. Index (6/8)
  15. Index (7/8)
  16. Index (8/8)

Product information

  • Title: Base SAS 9.4 Procedures Guide, Second Edition
  • Author(s): SAS Documentation
  • Release date: December 2013
  • Publisher(s): SAS Institute
  • ISBN: 9781629591315