Why LEGO? We have many reasons. LEGO is the
only medium we know of that can be completely
reused with no loss in function. This is a great
advan tage to us and is of primary importance. In
addition, the result of your work is almost imme-
diate, and changes can be made at any time. To
build, you don’t need much: just a few bricks, a
light, a table, and a chair—although, in our case,
we often build on a bed!
Being able to physically touch the model and ob-
serve your progress carefully, choosing the next
piece—these are the joys that keep us inspired to
imagine new constructions.
Could you tell us a little about yourselves?
We are brothers: Ramón is the younger and Ama-
dor, the elder. We come from Albacete, Spain, a
little city between Madrid and Valencia. Until re-
cently, we lived together. Now, our lives are sepa-
rate due to jobs, family, and such. We have always
had hobbies we could share, despite our age dif-
ference: video games, comics, music, movies, and
of course, LEGO.
How long have you been building? Did you both
catch the LEGO bug simultaneously?
We began building as children and then
stopped during our university years (the famous
DarkAge) only to restart the hobby again seven
or eight years after graduating. Girlfriends and
LEGO were a strange combination.
Although we began building again at the same
time, during those first years, we didn’t work
together on the same models. Our interests,
techniques, and styles were different. But video
games changed everything! Our first collabora-
tive build was an homage to the classic arcade
game Operation Wolf. (LEGO is perfect for mix-
ing hobbies!)
Your works are often so intricate. It is hard to
imagine how two people can collaborate, partic-
ularly separated by distance. How does this work
for you? Do you build separately and then meet
to fit parts together? How often might you meet?
We always say that four eyes can see better than
two (though that isn’t always true).
Each build is a bit different. Sometimes, one of
us shapes the model’s general outlines, and the
other handles the details. Other times, when the
size of the model allows it, we work on different
parts. For example, in the Iron Man model, we
were able to build the head and the feet at the
same time.
Ramón and Amador Alfaro Marcilla
3(opposite) Headphones 2007 (above) Minimoog 2011
5The Doll 2008
Today, we live apart (at a great distance), and as
you say, it’s very difficult. Before, we could build
together easily, but now it is absolutely necessary
to find new ways to collaborate. We try to meet
once per month. Playing with LEGO is a great ex-
cuse to get together. Because we have to travel
to meet, playing with LEGO becomes something
of an odyssey.
How long do you suppose some of your more in-
tricate pieces take?
The model that took the most time was The Doll.
We spent eight months on it, working three hours
per day—almost every day! So it took per haps
about 720 hours in total. But normally, we build
medium-sized models. Building cars, we spend
two or three weeks, depending on the details that
we want to introduce. And, there are exceptions.
For example, we are redesigning an old model.
We began more than a year ago, and we are just
finishing it now.
Do you do much planning before building? How
does that work? Do you each come up with a
basic approach and then pick the best before
starting? Do you sketch models first?
Yes, it’s absolutely necessary to do some plan-
ning before building. We watch movies, pore over
images from the Web, and sometimes even make
our own sketches to better understand a model
(comics and drawings are our passions too).
And it goes beyond the visual. For us, it is very
important to evoke the correct feeling; the mood
may be the most important aspect of a build. And
how do we do that? As we build, we talk about
our memories, share our thoughts about the
model, discuss the reasons why we’re building...
and all the while, we listen to music that we think
has some kind of connection to the model. Our
ears are as important as our eyes.
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