Become a Better Problem Solver by Telling Better Stories

Book description

One of the biggest obstacles to effective problem-solving is not defining the problem well. Invoking the power of a? narrative and a simple story structure can help ensure that you’re solving the right problem. The authors suggest that any problem can be articulated as a quest in which the key elements are hero (protagonist), dragon (obstacle), and treasure (the desired outcome). Expressing a challenge in these simple terms can make it easier to see whether a problem has been framed incorrectly.

Product information

  • Title: Become a Better Problem Solver by Telling Better Stories
  • Author(s): Arnaud Chevallier, Albrecht Enders, Jean-Louis Barsoux
  • Release date: February 2023
  • Publisher(s): MIT Sloan Management Review
  • ISBN: 53863MIT64306