Integration and the Road to Mastery


CONCLUSION[Portions of this chapter are adapted from Robert E. Quinn, Beyond Rational Management (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988. Used with permission.) and Ryan W. Quinn and Robert E. Quinn, Lift: Becoming a Positive Force in Any Situation (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.)]
  • Integration and Behavioral Complexity

  • How Master Managers See the World

  • The Leveraging Power of Lift

  • The Never-ending Road to Mastery

In the introductory chapter to this text, we argue that to be successful, organizations and their managers must move away from the traditional either/or thinking of the past and embrace the both/and thinking required for success in dynamic, complex environments. Rather than seeing collaboration and competition as being diametrically opposed, master managers must be able to harness the power of both these approaches. Similarly, the need for control cannot be allowed to overwhelm the need for creativity and change. This reflects the essence of the competing values framework.

Each of the four main modules of the text takes the perspective of a different theoretical management model. The five core competencies in each module were identified based on research with mid- and senior-level managers and support the action imperatives associated with the four management models. You have had the opportunity to learn about 21 competencies and see that many of them reinforce one another. For example, Thinking Critically, which appeared in the introductory chapter, played an important part in other competencies such as Managing and Encouraging Constructive Conflict in Module 1 and Championing and Selling New Ideas in Module ...

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