21Neo4j AuraDB in C#

This chapter's example uses C# to build a NoSQL graph database in the cloud. It uses the Neo4j AuraDB database to build and perform queries on the org chart shown in Figure 21.1.

A representation of the org chart to perform queries.


If you skipped Chapter 20, “Neo4j AuraDB in Python,” which built a similar example in Python, go to that chapter and read the beginning and the first three sections, which are described in the following list.

  • “Install Neo4j AuraDB” explains how to install the Neo4j AuraDB graph database.
  • “Nodes and Relationships” explains some basic graph database concepts that you'll need to understand to use AuraDB.
  • “Cypher” briefly introduces the Cypher graph query language that the example uses to interact with the database.

When you reach the section “Create the Program” in Chapter 20, return to this chapter and read the following sections.


To create a C# program to work with the AuraDB org chart database, create a new C# Console App (.NET Framework) and then add the code described in the following sections.

Like the example described in Chapter 20, this example builds an assortment of helper methods that do things like create nodes, build relationships, and execute queries on the data. It then uses those methods to create two higher-level methods that build and query the org chart. Finally, the main program connects to the database and calls those two ...

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