@“”, default domain, 419
. (period)
keyboard, 126
protocol, 419
; (semicolon), SQLite3, 265
<> (angle brackets)
header files, 560
protocols, 582
* (asterisk)
Objective-C, 563
- (minus sign), instance methods, 565
() (parentheses), C functions, 585
|| (pipe sign/double), OR operator, 152
+ (plus sign), provisioning profile, 523
? (question mark), SQL statements, 261
~ (tilde), current user's directory, 222
_ (underscore), service name, 419
iPhone, 341
access privileges, Objective-C, 564
accessors, 569
accessory, 194
accessoryType, 194
File's Owner, 554
Interface Builder, 9
iPhone Simulator, 38
methods, 39
Round Rect Button, 86
sender, 40
action:, 584
action sheet. See UIActionSheet
actionSheet:clickedButtonAtIndex:, 45
ad hoc distribution, 527, 530–532
UDID, 531
Add Device to Provisioning Portal, 512
Add Devices, 519
address, from latitude and longitude, 479–482
addSubView:, 310
addTarget:action:forControlEvents:, 85
affine transformations, 302
Alert view, 484
alertAction, 503
alertBody, 503
alertViewCancel:, 582
alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex:, 507–508, 582
UIAlertView, 505
UIAlertViewDelegate, 44
AlertViewDelegates.h, 505
alertView:willDismissWithButton Index:, 582
Alignment, 22
Analyzer, 543
animateWithDuration:delay:options: animations:completion: ...
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