© Luciano Manelli and Giulio Zambon 2020
L. Manelli, G. ZambonBeginning Jakarta EE Web Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5866-8_2

2. JSP Elements

Luciano Manelli1  and Giulio Zambon2
Taranto, Italy
Harrison, ACT, Australia

A JSP page is made out of a page template, which consists of HTML code and JSP elements such as scripting elements, directive elements, and action elements. In the previous chapter, after explaining how to install Java, Tomcat, and Eclipse, I introduced you to JSP and explained JSP’s role within web applications. In this chapter, I’ll describe in detail the first two types of JSP elements. For the action elements, refer to the next chapters.


Scripting elements consist of code delimited by particular ...

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