
We've come a long way in your journey of learning Power BI. As you might have gathered already, there is much more that lies ahead for you. But my hope is that you have gleaned a solid foundation for turning your data into analytical insights. To wrap things up here and set you on the next phase of the journey, I want to answer these two questions: where does my organization begin, and where do I go from here?


There are at least three kinds of people reading this book. There are those who work in an organization that has not started using Power BI (or really anything beyond Excel) and they know it will do something big for them. There are probably some readers who are in a role within their organization who read this book to understand what Power BI could do for their organization, not necessarily to build out reports for themselves. Then there are those who work in an organization that uses Power BI significantly, and these readers want to get started on the right foot.

All three of these types of people must think about how Power BI will be delivered to the end users (the report consumers) in their organization and who will be creating Power BI content, among many other questions. These questions revolve around what is called delivery strategy.

Delivery Strategy

When implementing Power BI (or restarting a Power BI implementation), it's important to understand the different delivery strategies available. Figuring out which ...

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