- AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver bean
- AccessDecisionManager
- AccountDao( ) method
- AccountDaoInMemoryImpl class
- AccountDaoJdbcImpl class
- AccountService bean
- ACID acronym
- atomicity
- consistency
- durability
- isolation
- advice in AOP
- Before
- After (Finally)
- After Returning
- After Throwing
- AfterReturningAdvice
- Around
- MethodBeforeAdvice
- ThrowsAdvice
- After (Finally) advice type
- @After annotation
- After Returning advice type
- After Throwing advice type
- @AfterReturning annotation
- AfterReturningAdvice
- @AfterThrowing annotation
- <alias> element
- aliases
- anemic domain model
- annotations
- @After
- @AfterReturning
- @AfterThrowing
- @Around
- @Aspect
- @Before
- @DeclareParents
- @Pointcut
- @Autowired
- @Bean
- @Cacheable
- @CacheEvict
- @CachePut
- @Caching
- caching abstraction
- @Component
- @Configuration
- configuration, RESTful services
- @ContextConfiguration
- @Controller
- @ControllerAdvice
- @CreditCardNumber
- @Description
- @EnableTransactionManagement
- @Entity
- @ExceptionHandler
- @Id
- @ImportResource
- @InitBinder
- @Inject
- @JoinColumn
- @ManyToMany
- @ManyToOne
- @ModelAttribute
- MVC configuration
- @OneToMany
- @OneToOne
- @PathVariable
- @Pattern
- @PersistenceContext
- @PersistenceUnit
- @PostConstruct
- @Qualifier
- repeating
- @Repository
- @RequestMapping
- @Resource
- @ResponseBody
- @RestController
- @Service
- @Size
- @Table
- testing and
- @Transactional
- @WebAppConfiguration
- anonymous authentication
- AOP (aspect-oriented programming)
- advice
- AfterReturningAdvice
- MethodBeforeAdvice
- ThrowsAdvice
- annotations
- @After
- @AfterReturning
- @AfterThrowing
- advice
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