
images A

Account Retry Attempts parameter, 322

Account Retry Delay (Seconds) parameter, 322

ACID test, 355

ALTER COLUMN statement, 173

ALTER command, 212214

ALTER DATABASE statement, T-SQL(Transact SQL), 89

ALTER TABLE command, 89

ADD CONSTRAINT syntax, 348

DateAdded column, 348

default value in Query Editor

ADD CONSTRAINT command, 353354

AmountToCollect column, 348

AmountToCollect constraint, 352

CHECK constraint, 348, 351

CK_CustProd_LastColl constraint, 353

CK_CustProds_AmtCheck, 348, 352

CustomerDetails.CustomerProducts table, 348349

CustomerFinancialProductId column, 348, 350

DEFAULT value constraint, 349

GETDATE() function, 351

LastCollection ...

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