Chapter 20

Deploying Web Applications


  • How to configure IIS for ASP.NET web applications
  • How to copy Visual Studio websites
  • How to publish web applications

In the previous chapter, you learned to develop web applications. For all these application types, different deployment options exist. You can copy the web pages, publish the website, or create an installation program. This chapter covers the advantages and disadvantages of these different options, as well as how to accomplish these tasks.


Internet Information Services (IIS) needn’t be installed for developing web applications with Visual Studio 2012 because Visual Studio 2012 use a standalone web server: IIS Express. This is a full web server with respect to its features, but it is not suitable for real-world deployment of web applications. On a production system, a full version of IIS is needed to run the web application.

IIS is available only with Windows 8 Pro Edition or higher. On these editions, you can install IIS in the same way that you install other Windows components. From the desktop, open the Settings charm and select Control Panel, and then click Programs. Here you can find a category Programs and Features with a link called Turn Windows Features On or Off. Click this link. One of the features of Windows is Internet Information Services, which needs to be selected in order to install it. Unfold the node and browse down until you can select ASP.NET ...

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