

  1. Android applications, Xamarin

    1. activity and intent

    2. APIs in C#

      1. Activity classes

      2. Android manifest

      3. App.cs

      4. app properties, setting

      5. CreateDirectoryForPictures methods

      6. device features (camera)

      7. IsThereAnAppToTakePictures methods

      8. MainActivity class

      9. sending e-mails

      10. SetContentView method

    3. application options

    4. components

    5. configuration

    6. creation

    7. debugging

      1. configuration

      2. sample app running, emulator

      3. tools, breakpoints and pads

      4. Xamarin Live Player

    8. emulators and SDKs, management

    9. project options

      1. build options

      2. default settings, startup activity

      3. general tab

      4. package signing options

    10. references and NuGet packages

    11. structure

    12. user interface

      1. Android design tools

      2. colors selection

      3. declarative definition

      4. Document Outline pad

      5. material design color shades selection

  2. Android Virtual Device (AVD)

  3. Apple ID

  4. Apple’s ...

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