The Key to Organizational Effectiveness
Strategy without tactics is the slowest
route to victory. Tactics without strategy
is the noise before defeat.
CEOs and senior execu tives are qu ickly coming to the conc lusio n
that a dis tingu ishing char acter istic of successf ul org aniza tions is
the ability to identify, develop, and deploy excep tiona l lead ershi p
talent. Research such as the 1997 McKinsey study, The War for
Talent, and McKinsey ’s 2000 foll ow-up study have m ade bu sines s
managers and HR leaders aware of t he signific ant ga ps tha t exis t
between t heir t alent management requiremen ts and their ability to
successfully execut e agai nst th ese require ments .
Since then, these con clusi ons ha ve been rein force d by several
other res earch studies. More specifically, when w e look at the data
there are five conclusions that w e can d raw about th e current state
of leadership t alent manag ement.
1. Many companies feel u nprep ared t o capture an d develop the
leadership talent that they need to succeed. In one survey that
spanned 264 exe cutiv es from six c ountr ies, almost two-thirds of
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respondents rated th e abil ity to develop effective leaders as critical
to addres sing marketplace challenges, yet only 8 p ercen t felt confi -
dent in their abi lity to man age le aders hip ta lent.
2. Executives feel that during the next fe w years, these leadership
challenges wil l become eve n greater. O nly about 25 percent of sur-
veyed com panies were confi dent i n their ability to have i n place the
high-potentia l tale nt that they would need to driv e future gro wth.
3. The projected shortf all of leadership talent is li kely t o affect
ALL secti ons of our talent pipeli nes, not just retiring baby boomers.
By 2 020, execut ives believ e the United States will experience a 15
percent reduction in professionals within the 35 to 44 ag e group—
the age segment that has tra ditio nally const itute d a critical part of
the high-potential ( HIPO) leadership pipel ine.
4. Most orga nizat ions are just beginning to address these talent
issues. Only 24 perce nt of respon dents in one online survey on
leadership talent indicated that their orga nizati ons had a clear plan
for developing leade rship talent, and only 29 percent indicat ed
that their organizations were effecti ve in connecting talent manage-
ment to the needs of their business units.
Over half of respondents
sur veyed in one study indic ated that their leadership talent identifi-
cation an d development system ha d been in pla ce less than three
5. The chall enge of building a strong leadershi p team is a global
organizationa l issu e, extendin g well beyon d the b order s of th e Unit ed
States. A recent Hewitt study cit ed findings from previo us research
studies t hat conclude that management turno ver in Chine se com-
panies may be as high as 40 percent, with many other A sian c om-
panies re por ting that they face critical challenges in d evelo ping
their leaders.
The Emer gen c e of the Chief Tal en t Of fic er
One area in which the new emp hasis on talent ma nagem ent is re-
flected is in th e evolving role of the Human Resourc es department.
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