228 B
are not due to a l ack of technical compet ence or rele vant b ack-
ground experie nce, but rat her to inter perso nal and comm unica tion
issues that begin to surface as soon as t he man ager or executive is
thrust into a ne w, more dema nding set of business ch allen ges.
A great de al of resear ch has been d one on how such leadersh ip
behaviors as in sensi tivit y to others, the fa ilure to build relation-
ships with team members, peers, and senior manager s, and unbri -
dled arrogance can cause previou sly su ccessful manager s to crash
and burn at some point in their car eers.
These derailers te nd to be
par t of the ‘‘signature features ,’’ or defining c h aracterist ics, of a
derailing manager’s leadership style . Available research suggests
that in many cas es, th e underlyin g prob lem is that the lea der who
is facing derailment may be somew hat blind to the im pact of his
leadership sty le.
A related problem is that many managers who
face derailment may be either unwillin g or unable to make changes
to their leadership s tyle t o meet new and different work condi-
As with ba d hiri ng dec ision s, it’ s a lot easier to add ress derail-
ment issues whe n we catch them early in the process. With that
said, here are five wa rning signs that may signal that a pr omote d
manager is head ed for trouble:
1. Being ‘‘Lost in Scope.’’ Wa tch for signs that newly promoted
managers may not be ab le to s cope up to th e increased compl exity
and r espo nsibilitie s of their new jobs. Some managers make use of
a ‘‘close -quarter’’ management style that works w ith a s mall team,
but translates into ineffective micro-management when the leader
is p romot ed into a larger team comprise d of mo re experienced pro-
fessionals. This pro blem can also aris e when a lead er is promot ed
from a manageme nt role that invol ves the managemen t of day -to-
day transactional ac tivit ies, to assume a higher-level role t hat re-
quires the ability to think strat egica lly, to deal with a higher level of
ambiguity and comple xity i n their new jobs, a nd to manage entirely
through other manage rs.
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