There are cer ta in behavioral sig ns that a manager may be lost
in s cope. The ma nager ’s team members may comp lain that th e
leader appears to be reluctant to let go of responsibilities or to
delegate assig nment s. Peers may note a l ack of contribut ions f rom
the leader during discussi ons of key project s or jo b issu es, and the
leader’s manager may find that th e leader is blind t o emerging
threats o r opportuni ties because he la cks the ability to see and
correctly interpret broad er changes in the b usine ss and organiza-
tional environ ment.
2. Excessive Stre ss. The leader who is ove rwhel med by new
responsibilit ies or who is having difficulty making adj ustme nts to
new work conditions may become increasingly anxio us or stress ed.
However, since newly promo ted le aders are hesitan t to lo ok bad in
the eyes of their boss es, don’t ex pect r ecent ly promoted leaders to
disclose any anxiety or hesitati on tha t they might have about their
new jobs. Instead, this anx iety w ill frequen tly reveal i tself indi-
rectly, in that the leader may appear fa r more short-temp ered, emo-
tionally volat ile, a nd ten se.
3. Employee Complaints. Look for complai nts from the new
manager’s work team, peers, and intern al customer s that the new
manager is difficult to work with, adversari al, and unab le to adapt
or change. More importantl y, wat ch the newly promo ted manag-
er’s reactions to the se criticisms. A high le vel of angry defensive-
ness, an unwill ingne ss to listen to feedback, and the tendency to
respond to this type of critical f eedba ck with atta cks on the speak-
ers, are all sure signs that the manager may be having serious di ffi-
4. Excessively In sular. Each time managers are promo ted or
transferred into new job fu nctio ns, they fac e the task of building a
new base of influence and suppor t . Begin to worry wh en the newly
promoted manag er cut s hers elf of f from other s, hides in h er office,
and shows signs of being increasingly territorial. Chec k with the
manager’s peer s to see whether she is reaching out to those around
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