Sometimes leaders react to a crisis as it occurs before setting a clear path out, but without a clear vision and achievable strategic objectives it is difficult for any leadership team to focus their efforts.

Unfocused actions tend to be uncoordinated and can often counteract each other. Clear strategic objectives give focus and clarity, economise effort and ensure resources are best allocated.

No single event touched so many around me so profoundly as the death of Private Jake Kovco. As the series of subsequent incidents unfolded, we were caught out every step of the way.

But the reality of it all was that, throughout the harrowing ordeal, we actually learned so much about death in a war zone, about ourselves, about each other, about a mother's love, a widow's anguish, about the law, the military, the media and even the government. Fundamentally, we learned that reacting to incidents as they evolved left our organisation floundering, inefficient and ineffective.

Without strategic objectives to work towards, none of our efforts were coordinated. As one seemingly unbelievable incident rolled into another, we had no clear path forward to focus on.

Journal entry, 0409 hours, 22 April 2006

Somehow, in a room he shared with two of his mates, in the demountable accommodation in the Embassy, Private Jacob Kovco was shot.

The bullet entered one side of his head and exited the other, leaving a much larger hole coming out than it did going ...

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