Rapid feedback loops, decentralised command structures and high-speed research and development — warfare often provides opportunities for redesign and innovation.

Here are two stand-out examples of how organisations have stayed ahead of their opposition — one from the enemy's side, and one from ours.

When we transfer these lessons into the competitive business arena, we build organisations unmatched in their ability to react to changing markets. In the COVID-19 world, the ability to pivot your business fast has never been more important.


Tens of thousands — well over half the Coalition casualties in Iraq — were caused by improvised explosive devices. Iraqi insurgent bomb makers often kept ahead of Coalition tactics and technology using flat command structures, semi-autonomous cells and readily available, off-the-shelf technology.

Emerging technology presented Coalition forces with a deadly challenge. Burdened by bureaucracy and compliance, at first they looked for costly technological solutions. Eventually, using processes similar to those used by their insurgent foe, they were able to pivot swiftly to cheap pragmatic solutions.

This chapter examines the insurgent leadership in Iraq in 2006 and what can be learned from their organisational adaptability and agility. If we contrast this approach with that of exponentially larger, better equipped and better funded Western militaries, we also find similarities. ...

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