1The Organizational Architecture of the Psychic System and the Feeling of Thinking

We are going to present an architecture of the human psychic system by adopting an organizational path that considers the psyche as a highly dynamic idea-generating system that operates continuously at different rates and structures its components on several scales to generate forms, stable for a very short time, that will be understood as the forms of thoughts. In such a framework, the question is how should such a system, made up of multiple active components on multiple scales, be designed so as to permanently produce perceptual and ideational representations of the things of the world using its abilities of naming and language abstractions? We should take into account that the system generates representations of multiple things at multiple levels and in multiple situations, allowing the human to understand reality so that they can act with a high degree of behavioral autonomy. The dynamically, spatially and temporally organized conception of representations will then be the major characteristic of the system, which is, in the end, a generator of complex constructions, usually intentionally, with highly dynamic memorizations. And we will show that the understanding of mental representations always takes place in a specific setting that brings together the psychic system’s instances given certain characteristics, which we will call the mental landscape of the psychic system.

We are going to ...

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