Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring: How to Facilitate an Effective Mentoring Process, New and Revised Edition

Book description

Many managers believe that effective mentoring is most often the lucky result of personal chemistry between two people. But in this book, author Margo Murray lays that myth to rest. Her guide gives you all the expert advice, tools, and case studies you'll need to harness the power of mentoring. Building on the solid principles outlined in the first book, this revised edition adds examples of mentoring from recent publications and the author's client experience. It also includes international examples. It reveals how mentoring can maximize employee productivity and provides information on how to assess organizational needs and link them to the mentoring process. Includes all the information needed to evaluate the effectiveness of a mentoring program.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
    1. What Is Mentoring?
    2. Purpose of the Book
    3. Audience
    4. How This Book Is Designed and Organized
    5. Acknowledgments
  7. The Author
  8. Part One: The Mentoring Concept, Benefits, and Pitfalls
    1. Chapter One: What Mentoring Is—and What It Is Not
      1. Evolution of Mentoring
      2. Language of Mentoring
      3. Definitions: Who Is and Isn't a Mentor?
    2. Chapter Two: Mentoring at Work in Organizations
      1. Selected Examples of Mentoring Benefits
      2. Motives for Facilitated Mentoring
      3. Movement Toward Facilitated Mentoring
    3. Chapter Three: The Upside and the Downside for the Organization
      1. Benefits to the Organization
      2. Challenges for the Organization
    4. Chapter Four: Payoffs and Penalties for the Protégé
      1. Benefits for the Protégé
      2. Possible Pitfalls for the Protégé
    5. Chapter Five: The Mentor's Motivation and Concerns
      1. Benefits for the Mentor
      2. Concerns for Mentors
  9. Part Two: Facilitated Mentoring
    1. Models and Applications
    2. How to Make It Work
    3. Issues
    4. Chapter Six: Mentoring Models and Applications
      1. Generic Implementation Flow for a Facilitated Mentoring Process
      2. ECDP for the U.S. General Accounting Office
      3. Small Public Sector Mentoring Program
      4. Mentoring Program for a Small Accounting Firm
      5. College Mentoring Program to Introduce Students to Work World
      6. Mentoring Program in Health Care
      7. Mentoring Program at Empire State College
      8. Key Process Components
    5. Chapter Seven: Assessing Needs and Determining Organizational Readiness
      1. Determine Your Organization's Future Succession Planning Needs
      2. Examine Commitment to Human Resource Development
      3. Determine the Scope of the Mentoring Process
      4. Assess the Organization's Ability to Sustain the Characteristics of Successful Mentoring Processes
      5. Checklist
    6. Chapter Eight: Structuring the Mentor Role
      1. Qualifications
      2. Recruitment Strategies
      3. Making It Workable and Rewarding for Mentors
      4. Making It Work
      5. Checklist
    7. Chapter Nine: Selecting Protégés and Diagnosing Their Development Needs
      1. Identifying Protégé Candidates
      2. Selection Processes
      3. Making Plans to Meet Developmental Needs
      4. Checklist
    8. Chapter Ten: Involving the Boss Who Is Not the Mentor
      1. Objections Raised by Natural Bosses
      2. Overcoming Objections and Gaining Commitment
      3. Checklist
    9. Chapter Eleven: The Coordination Team
      1. Selection
      2. Responsibilities
      3. Checklist
    10. Chapter Twelve: Negotiating Sound Mentoring Agreements
      1. Basic Guidelines
      2. Specific Components
      3. Agreement Form
      4. Checklist
    11. Chapter Thirteen: Evaluating Mentoring Process Effectiveness
      1. Key Terms and Concepts
      2. Measurement Considerations
      3. Special Considerations for Evaluating a Mentoring Process
      4. Developing the Evaluation Plan
      5. Implementing the Evaluation Plan
      6. Checklist
    12. Chapter Fourteen: Gender, Culture, and Relationship Concerns
      1. Gender Issues
      2. Cross-Cultural Issues
      3. Other Problems for the Mentoring Pair
      4. Jealousy, Favoritism, Skepticism, Cloning, and Other Conflicts
      5. Checklist
    13. Chapter Fifteen: Making Facilitated Mentoring Work
    14. Resource: Sources of Instruments for Assessing Growth and Development
  10. References
  11. Index

Product information

  • Title: Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring: How to Facilitate an Effective Mentoring Process, New and Revised Edition
  • Author(s): Margo Murray
  • Release date: February 2002
  • Publisher(s): Jossey-Bass
  • ISBN: 9780787956752