Nanorobotic Manipulation for a Single Biological Cell
Toshio Fukuda and Masahiro Nakajima
Nagoya University Nagoya, Japan
Mohd Ridzuan Ahmad
Universiti Teknologi Malaysi Skudai Johor, Malaysia
9.1 Background of Nanorobotic Manipulations
9.2 Single-Cell Analysis and Nanosurgery System
9.3 Principles of Stiffness Measurements for a Single Cell
9.3.1 Stiffness Measurement of a Single Cell Based on Nanoindentation Technique
9.3.2 Stiffness Measurement Using Different Indenter Tip Shapes
9.3.3 Stiffness Measurement Using Nanoprobes Measurement of Single-Cell Stiffness Using a Soft Nanoprobe Measurement of Single-Cell Stiffness Using Hard Nanoprobes
9.4 Nanorobotic Manipulations inside Various Kinds of Microscopes ...
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