Welcome to Biophysics For Dummies. Biophysics is a fascinating field of science that combines the study of the laws of physics with the study of systems involving living organisms (biology). The combination of these two fields makes biophysics interdisciplinary, which means biophysicists work side by side with people from many different backgrounds. Biophysics is a very diverse and interesting field; even if you spend your entire life studying biophysics, you can still discover new and interesting pieces of information.
About This Book
Biophysics For Dummies lays down the foundations for the fields of biophysics, including neurophysics, medical physics, health physics, and related fields that overlap with biophysics, presented in an easy-to-access manner. This reference book presents biophysics in plain English, so you can easily find what you’re looking for. When you’re reading, you don’t have to begin at the beginning. You can go directly to the chapter or section that interests you and start reading. Of course, I prefer that you read it from cover to cover, but then again, I am a bit biased. If you’re strapped for time and only want to read what you need to know, even when you’re reading the chapter or section of interest to you, you can skip the sidebars and the paragraphs marked with the Technical Stuff icon without losing any of the essential info.
This book is unique in that the majority of the material is at the introductory level, but the material presented ...
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