20Advances in Biosensor Applications for Agroproducts Safety

Adeshina Fadeyibi*

Department of Food and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Kwara State University, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria


Postharvest change in the properties of Agroproducts during processing and storage is of major concern to the food industry. This can affect consumer acceptance due to the physical and biochemical transformations of the products. Biosensors (BoS) have been used to detect, monitor, and control these changes. In this paper, two types of the BoS were identified for the safety of plant and animal products. Electrochemical and surface plasma BoS were used for the detection and treatment of mycotoxins like ochratoxin in the plant products, such as cereals, fruits, and vegetables during processing. Also, liposomes and nanocomposites are employed to help elevate the quality and detect harmful contaminants in the animal products, such as dairy and poultry processing. Novel BoS like nucleic acid, antibodies, and receptors were proposed for monitoring the safety of fructophilic lactic acid bacteria against excessive temperature, which is essential for milk processing. This technique can help preserve the product during processing and storage.

Keywords: Biosensors, plant products, animal products, processing, storage

20.1 Introduction

Agricultural products are raw materials obtain from the processing of plants, animals, and microorganisms [1]. The materials ...

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