Modeling the cushions of the chair

Let's model the cushions:

  1. Go to the Top view.
  2. Choose the Cursor tool from the Toolbar.
  3. Click on the center of the cushion in the reference image.
  4. Choose the Select Box tool from the Toolbar to go back to the tool we were using before.
  5. Press the Shift + A hotkey to bring up the Add menu.
  6. Choose Mesh | Cube.
  7. Set the Size to 0.9 m.
  8. Set the Location X to 0 m.
  9. Rename the cube object Chair_Cushion.
  10. Scale down the cube along the y-axis to match the size of the cushion in the reference image (refer to the following screenshot):
Placing the 3D Cursor, making a cube, and scaling it to match the reference
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