Chapter 3
Choosing Your Niche
Setting your niche blogging goals
Finding niches that work for you
Reading niche blogs
Analyzing audience potential for niche blogs
Choosing your niche can be a challenge. Some bloggers have a singular passion, a hobby, or area of expertise that clearly takes center stage in their lives. Most people, however, have a variety of interests that could all make for great blog content. When there are so many subjects to choose from, how do you know which is the right niche for you? How do you narrow that subject down into a niche that will inspire you to write passionately? And how can you determine which niche will help you meet your blogging goals for exposure, traffic, and monetization?
Fear not! This chapter gives you the information and tools you need to confidently select a niche topic for your blog.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a blogger is choosing a topic that you have no business writing about. Doing so makes it more likely that you will give up before your blog has had a chance to succeed. Even if you do stay the ...
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