Chapter 5
Inviting or Being a Guest Blogger
Understanding guest blogging
Defining your goals
Being a guest blogger
Inviting guests to write for your blog
One of the core components to a successful blog is the networking and community building that a blogger does in support of their blog. Those efforts not only offer ways to broaden online relationships but also open opportunities for cross-promotion with other bloggers through guest blogging. Whether you invite another blogger to write a post on your blog or you write a post for another blogger to publish on their blog, the key is sharing great content with audiences who are likely to find value from it.
Guest blogging also provides a great way to inject new life and fresh ideas into a blog. Every blogger faces blogger’s block on occasion and has trouble coming up with new posts or putting a creative spin on a topic they’ve been writing about for a long period. A guest blog post can bring new energy and perspectives to a blog, giving it a much-needed boost.
This chapter walks you through the process of guest blogging ...
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