Chapter 1

Blog Advertising 101


Bullet Setting your goals

Bullet Taking a look at types of ads

Bullet Setting expectations

Bullet Making your advertising venture a success

Blog advertising comes in many forms, offering bloggers a wide array of monetization options. From text ads to video ads and everything in between, many bloggers dabble in the world of online advertising in an attempt to make money from their blogs, and there’s no shortage of advertisers looking for the unique and targeted audiences that blogs already have in place. Why not publish ads on your blog in an attempt to recoup your hosting, design, development, or other costs or as compensation for your time and sweat equity?

Of course, not every blogger feels the same way about advertising, and not every blogging application allows bloggers to monetize their blogs with ads. However, you can’t make an educated determination about whether you want to publish ads on your blog until you understand how blog advertising works. This chapter explains the basics, and the remainder of this Book delves into the specifics about the various ...

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