How to do it...

  1. Install bower using npm:
      npm install –g bower
  1. Verify the bower installation:
      which bower && bower -v
Note that both commands should return some values. On Windows, you need Cygwin or Git Bash to run the preceding commands.
  1. Install Bootstrap 4 alpha 6:
      bower install bootstrap#v4.0.0-alpha.6
  1. Install Harp globally:
      npm install -g harp
  1. Make two new folders in the root, and add these files to them as per the following commands:
      mkdir app grunt &&       touch app/index.html grunt/package.json grunt/Gruntfile.js main.scss
  1. Add the following code to main.scss:
      $white: #ffffff;      @import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";
  1. CD into the grunt folder:
      cd grunt
  1. Open the package.json file and add ...

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