

AARP, 67

Achievement, capacity for, 26

Adler, Mortimer J., 160–161

Advertising Council, 207

Age-based expectations, 70

Age bias, 75

Age discrimination, 74–75, 212, 218, 219

Age-related stereotypes, 72, 132, 234


and continuing growth, 29–30

long-held conceptions of, 26

and maturity of the brain, 123–124

Alboher, Marci, 213–214

Aldrich, Steven, 113–114

Altruism, 178–183

Alzheimer’s disease, 121, 184–185

Ambiguity, tolerance for, 44

American dream, 209

American Photo Magazine, 151

Amygdala, 137

Amygdala hijacking, 137

Ancient Greeks, 162–170

Annan, Kofi, 153

Anthony, Susan B., 141

Arafat, Yasser, 143

Aristarchus, 169

Aristotle, 56, 165, 167

The Art of Aging (Sherwin Nuland), 177

Aspen Institute, 6

Atlantic Philanthropies, 210

Attention, ...

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