It took Sid 18 months to build his house. I watched him from
my window every day, right from the start to the finish. He
didn’t rush, he didn’t cut corners, he took one step at a time,
he had a plan; he knew what he wanted his house to look like.
Mostly he worked alone, just occasionally he needed help. At
the end he stood there looking up, in front of his new house. I
remember that day well; I watched him open the front door and
walk proudly in.
Brick by brick, Sid had built his house.
This is a true story about a neighbour of mine who demolished
an old farm building and built a house in its place. I think about
him every now and then. He started with nothing but wasn’t
daunted by the task ahead. He knew the size of his challenge
but he didn’t let it frighten him. I got to know him well while
he was building. I found it fascinating watching his progress. I
was amazed when he told me it was the first time he’d ever built
a house!
You too have a challenge ahead; think of it as your ‘Confidence
Project’. My neighbour built his house; you’re going to build
your confidence. Sid is a great role model. You’ll need to take the
same approach as he did. It might not take you 18 months but
it’s not going to happen overnight.
Don’t worry. I’m not trying to frighten you off! I’m just pre-
paring you for the challenge ahead. It’ll be incredibly rewarding
xii brilliant confidence
if you commit to it. You’ll need self-discipline, courage and
energy. At times you’ll feel frustrated and at other times you’ll
feel emotional. Don’t give up, never give up; keep persevering
and, step by step, your confidence, self-belief and self-esteem
will grow.
Think back over the last few weeks and months. How many
times have you lacked the self-confidence to do something you
know you should have done? Something that would have helped
you; something that was right for you; something, perhaps, that
you would have enjoyed? Or how many times have you not
spoken up when you knew you were right?
If you’re honest with yourself, the answer to these questions will
probably be ‘quite a few’. That’s because very few people have
the self-confidence, self-belief and self-discipline to do the right
thing all the time. Imagine how you’d feel if you could confi-
dently answer ‘Never’ to these questions. Well, it can happen,
everyone can do it.
Brilliant Confidence is a practical and logical no-nonsense solu-
tion to this. It relates directly to the reality of life. It can be
applied to both your work life and your social life. It’s full of
practical advice and examples of how real people have overcome
their lack of confidence or self-esteem; real people who have
made real changes to their lives.
Get ready though; the book will chal-
lenge you. It will invite you to reflect
and it will make you think. You’ll
learn things about yourself that you
didn’t know, things perhaps that you
didn’t think were important.
The book is linked to the website.
Here you’ll find links to other reading material. There are also
questionnaires you can complete to learn more about yourself
you’ll learn things about
yourself that you didn’t
know, things perhaps
that you didn’t think
were important
Introduction xiii
and your confidence levels in relation to the way you com-
municate and deal with conflict. You can even take the Think
Confidence Reality Check, which invites others to give you
feedback on their perception of you in terms of your confidence,
communication style and assertiveness.
In short, by using the techniques addressed in the book, you’ll
develop the self-confidence to overcome your fears, seize oppor-
tunities, speak up when required, enjoy yourself and live life to
the full.

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