Teach Lita How to Generate Memes
Now that you know how to request an image macro from Imgflip’s API using Ruby, you can start building out a Lita skill to let chatbot users generate new image macros on command.
Start by generating a new Lita handler:
| > lita handler imgflip-memes |
| Do you want to test your plug-in on Travis CI? |
| ("yes" or "no", default is "no") yes |
| Do you want to generate code coverage information with SimpleCov |
| and Coveralls.io? ("yes" or "no", default is "no") yes |
| If your plug-in's Git repository will be hosted on GitHub, build status |
| and code coverage badges can be automatically added to your README. |
| Would you like to add these badges? ("yes" or "no", default is "no") yes |
| What is your GitHub username? ... |
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