MOD returns the remainder of one value divided by another. The following
query would return the value 2:
This function returns -1, 0, or 1, to indicate the sign of the argument.
This function returns the result of one value raised to the power of another.
The following query returns the result of 2
SQRT returns the non-negative square root of a value.
Many, many more mathematical functions are availablecheck SQL Server
Books Online for a full list.
String Functions
String functions work with literal text values rather than numeric values.
This function returns the value passed in as all uppercase or all lowercase,
respectively. Take the following query as an example:
SELECT LOWER(Username), UPPER(State)
FROM Employees
The query above will return a list of usernames in lowercase, and a list of
states in uppercase.
This function trims whitespace characters, such as spaces, from the left- or
right-hand side of the string, respectively.
Use the REPLACE function to change a portion of a string to a new sequence
of characters that you specify.
SELECT REPLACE('I like chocolate', 'like', 'love')
String Functions
This query will search the string I like chocolate for the word like and
replace it with the word love, as shown in the output below:
I love chocolate
(1 row(s) affected)
This function returns the sequence of characters within a given value, begin-
ning at a specified start position and spanning a specified number of charac-
SELECT SUBSTRING('I like chocolate', 8, 4)
The above query will take four characters from the string I like chocolate
starting from the eighth character, as shown in the output below:
(1 row(s) affected)
This function returns the length of a string. Thus, the following query would
return a list of all usernames, and how many characters were in each username:
SELECT Username, LEN(Username) AS UsernameLength
FROM Employees
This function returns the first position in which a substring can be found in
a string.
Its also worth noting that these functions can be used in conjunction with other
functions, often to create quite powerful results. For example, the following SQL
query would return the first name of every employee within the Employees table:
SELECT SUBSTRING(Name, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', Name)) AS FirstName
FROM Employees
Here, were using two string functions. CHARINDEX is used to locate the first space
within the Name column. If we assume that the first space indicates the end of
the first name, we can then use SUBSTRING to extract the first name from the
name string. The results, shown in Figure 8.9, are as we expect.
Chapter 8: Speaking SQL

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