<asp:ListItem Text="Tacos" Value="tacos" />
<asp:ListItem Text="Pasta" Value="pasta" />
The BulletedList control displays bulleted or numbered lists, using <ul> (un-
ordered list) or <ol> (ordered list) tags. Unlike the other list controls, the
BulletedList doesnt allow the selection of items, so the SelectedIndexChanged
event isnt supported.
The first property you'll want to set is DisplayMode, which can be Text (the de-
fault), or HyperLink, which will render the list items as links. When DisplayMode
is set to HyperLink, you can use the Click event to react when the user clicks
on one of the items.
The other important property is BulletStyle, which determines the style of the
bullets. The accepted values are Numbered (1, 2, 3, ), LowerAlpha (a, b, c, ),
UpperAlpha (A, B, C, ), LowerRoman (i, ii, iii, ), UpperRoman (I, II, III, ),
Circle, Disc, Square, and CustomImage. If the style is set to CustomImage, youll
also need to set the BulletStyleImageUrl to specify the image to be used for
the bullets. If the style is one of the numbered lists, you can also set the
FirstBulletNumber property to specify the first number or letter thats to be
Advanced Controls
These controls are advanced in terms of their usage, the HTML code they gener-
ate, and the background work they do for you. Some of these controls arent
available to older versions of ASP.NET; well learn more about many of them (as
well as others that arent covered in this chapter) as we progress through this
The Calendar is a great example of the reusable nature of ASP.NET controls.
The Calendar control generate the markup to display an intuitive calendar in
which the user can click to select or move between days, weeks, months, and so
The Calendar control requires very little customization, and can be created
within a page like this:
Chapter 4: Constructing ASP.NET Web Pages
File: Calendar.aspx (excerpt)
<title>Calendar Test</title>
<form runat="server">
<asp:Calendar id="myCalendar" runat="server" />
If you save this page in the Learning folder and load it, youd get the output
shown in Figure 4.4.
Figure 4.4. Displaying the default calendar
The Calendar control contains a wide range of properties, methods, and events,
including those listed in Table 4.3.
Advanced Controls
Table 4.3. Some of the Calendar controls properties
This property sets the format of the day names. Its possible
values are FirstLetter, FirstTwoLetters, Full, and
Short. The default is Short, which displays the three-letter
This property sets the day of the week that begins each
week in the calendar. By default, the value of this property
is determined by your servers region settings, but you can
set this to Sunday or Monday if you want to control it.
Set to CustomText by default, this property can be set to
ShortMonth or FullMonth to control the format of the next
and previous month links.
This property contains a DateTime value that specifies the
highlighted day. Youll use this property a lot to determine
which day the user has selected.
This property determines whether days, weeks, or months
can be selected; its possible values are Day, DayWeek, Day-
WeekMonth, and None, and the default is Day. When Day
is selected, a user can only select a day; when DayWeek is
selected, a user can select a day or an entire week; and so
This property controls the text of the link thats displayed
to allow users to select an entire month from the calendar.
This property controls the text of the link thats displayed
to allow users to select an entire week from the calendar.
If True, this property displays the names of the days of the
week. The default is True.
If True, this property renders the calendar with grid lines.
The default is True.
If True, this property displays next/previous month links.
The default is True.
If True, this property displays the calendars title. The de-
fault is False.
Chapter 4: Constructing ASP.NET Web Pages

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