Chapter 12
Optimizing Each Page for Search (On-Page Optimization)
Adding keywords to maximize your SEO efforts
Using alt tags strategically
Adding meta titles and meta descriptions
Keeping people engaged on your website
Optimizing for conversions
Chapter 4 introduced the basics of SEO, including understanding how search engines rate content and providing content that gets you good results. This chapter explains how to optimize each page of your website for search engines. Recall that search engine optimization (SEO) involves placing certain content in specific places on your web pages.
You don’t have to optimize your web pages. In fact, most DIY websites are not optimized for search because many people don’t know what to do when it comes to SEO. However, if you do not optimize your pages and your competition does, they will get your leads.
The great thing about taking the time to optimize your site is that you don’t need to repeat this process unless you want to change ...
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