Chapter 13

Ribbon-Cutting in Cyberspace: Your Website's Grand Opening


Bullet Building redirects for old URLs

Bullet Going live from your temporary URL

Bullet Going live from a staging site

Bullet Installing an SSL Certificate

Bullet Testing your links, forms, and mobile sites

Congratulations! It's time to go live with your website! At this point you have learned why you should include specific information on specific pages for specific users to obtain a specific purpose. Hopefully you've built something that you're proud of and that moves your business forward. This chapter walks you through the process of going live. Some of the steps pertain to every website that goes live, and some steps depend on where you have been building your website thus far.

Depending on where you have been working, whether it be a temporary URL, a staging site, or building live, you go through different steps. After reading the overview section and considering if you need to create redirects, find the section that pertains ...

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