
The following list includes books, games, and movies that were helpful in the writing of this book.

Alekan, H. (2001). Des Lumieres et des Ombres. Paris: Editions du Collectionneur.

Alton, J. (1955). Painting with Light. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Antonioni, M. (1960). L’Avventura. Movie. The camera exploring the landscape of the island has a physical presence similar to one of the characters on the island.

Cavell, S. (1981). Pursuit of Happiness—The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Harvard: Harvard Film Studies.

Champandard, A. (2003). AI Game Development—Synthetic Creatures with Learning and Reactive Behaviors. Indianapolis: New Riders.

Christy, D. (2000). Luminosity: The Paintings of Stephen Hannock. San Francisco: ...

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