
#define macro, 35

@class declaration, 171

@implementation declaration, 173

@import declaration, 171

@interface declaration, 171–172, 179

@synthesize command, 173

2D games. See also Raiders

depth values in, 138

lighting effects for, 44

moving objects in, 160

and OpenGL, 6, 37

and quads, 38

shaders for, 43

2D graphics, 6, 37

2D textures, 44

3D games, 44, 138, 184

3D graphics, 6, 37

3D math, 45, 161

3D transformations, 161


abstract classes, 32–33, 34, 36

abstraction, 32–33

AbstractSceneController class, 33, 34, 35, 79

acceleration variable, 55

accelerometer, 7, 14, 54

achievements, 107–109

action games, 10, 63

ActionItem class, 50, 51, 53, 76, 104

activeEnemies variable, 96

ADBannerView protocol, 118–120

AddDelegate file, 151


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