
Absolute pressure, 155, 160

Access fitting, 322323

Accessible switches and sockets, 516

Access to drains, 322326

Acidity in water, 21

Acoustic detector, 639, 642

ACPO alarm policy, 637

Activated carbon filter, 256

Active infra-red detector, 639, 644

Adiabatic humidification, 296

Aerobic bacteria, 348

Air admittance valve, 319

Air changes per hour, 189, 237238, 241, 263, 299

Air compressor, 63

Air conditioning, 273311

Plant sizing, 299300

Air curtain/door, 260

Air diffusion, 258259, 285

Air eliminator, 147

Air filters, 254256

Air flow

In ducting, 257, 262266

Flow resistance, 269270

Air gap, 53, 88, 265, 387

Air heating, 186, 534

Air infiltration, 236

Air mixing, 298

mixing unit, 281

Air permeability, 298

Air processing/handling ...

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