

Abstraction, 314


access control, 298299

data access design, 94

Accountability, 15

Actionable, 106, 120

Activity, vs. task, 331

Adaptive, 3

Administration, 8, 243, 274

Aesthetics, 33

Agile, 274

Agreement, 5960, 152, 242

Alerts, 36

Algedonics, 36, 245

Ambiguous, 23, 111

Analogy, 156, 158, 183, 197, 295

Analytical approach, going beyond, 3334

Antibodies, 302

Appliance, 24


design and, 7677, 85120

technologies and, 52

Archive, 240

Artifact, 147, 240, 248

Ashby, Ross, 159

Assembly, 7, 86, 97, 157, 275

Asynchronous, 328329

Attack, 302303, 319

Attributes, 9, 175, 190, 204, 265, 306, 314

Automation, in testing, 211


Backup, 16, 117, 188, 202, 276, 335

Bacteria, 302

Baseline, 78, 81, 176, 233

Benchmarks, 274

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