
Video description

The American Dream continues to resonate with immigrants from around the world. Millions of people hope to come to the United States to build a better life for themselves and their families, often by creating and growing new ventures and companies. While not everyone succeeds, many do. Mei Xu is one of those successes.

In Burn, entrepreneur and international business­woman Mei Xu tells her story of ingenuity, determination, and luck. Spanning three decades, from 1991 when she arrived at Washington's Dulles Airport, to today, Xu's story is one of stunning success. She built a multi-million dollar company, met and counseled thousands of entrepreneurs and businesspeople, and even advised President of the United States Barack Obama on the topic of job creation.

In Burn, you'll learn:

- About the creation of Mei Xu's international lifestyle business and the success stories of other female leaders who triumphed over adversity to achieve their dreams

- Why the American Dream is still within your grasp, and how to reach for it

- How creators like Xu think differently about innovation and how you can harness her insights to build something new and exciting for yourself

Product information

  • Title: Burn
  • Author(s): Nancy Wu, Mei Xu
  • Release date: July 2021
  • Publisher(s): Ascent Audio
  • ISBN: 9781663712516

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by Brendan Burns, Craig Tracey

虽然Kubernetes极大地简化了部署容器化应用程序的工作,但每天管理这种编排框架仍然是一项复杂的工作。站点管理人员以及 开发运营工程师可以通过本书学习如何构建、操作、管理及升级 Kubernetes集群,无论这些集群位于云基础架构之上还是在企业内部。 本书的作者Brendan Burns是Kubernetes的联合创始人,而Craig Tracey 是Heptio的现场工程师。本书详细讲解了Kubernetes的内部工作原理,并向读者展示了如何通过维护、调整和改善集群来满足特定需求。你可以通过本书学习如何从设计集群、管理访问控制、监视和报警,以及升级Kubernetes等方面来综合考虑架构的选择,还可以 通过本书深入了解如何充分利用这种编排框架的功能。 “学习如何操作集群,开发人员如何利用Kubernetes部署应用程序,以及如何利用Kubernetes减轻开发人员的负担。 通过掌握Kubernetes API以及配置选项来调整、保护,以及调节集群。 检测集群级别的问题,学习必要的响应步骤并快速恢复集群。 确定如何以及何时添加构建、扩展或以其他方式改进 Kubernetes集群的库、工具和平台。


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