190 6.3 Chapter Summary
6.2.12 Warehouse and Stock
If the organizations warehouse facilities or stock have been damaged during
the emergency, it is necessary to assess the extent of the damage and prepare
a claim from the insurance company. It will also be necessary to inform cus-
tomers who may be relying on delivery of that stock in the near future. The
damaged items will need to be repaired or replaced. In some cases, it may be
necessary to use the services of outside specialists to carry out the activity.
Amend the predefined items within the plan template, as appropriate.
6.3 Chapter Summary
In this chapter, we talked about what measures are needed to accomplish a
business recovery effort. Although the term “Disaster Recovery” has
become a popular industry buzzword, the majority of discussion on this
topic concentrates on IT operations recovery. In reality, business recovery
must take precedence over IT systems recovery, since the business is respon-
sible for continuity of operations and, therefore, service to the customer.
Businesses can experience all kinds of interruptions, ranging from cata-
strophic natural disasters to acts of terrorism to technical glitches, so orga-
nizations need business continuity and recovery resources, plans, and above
all management. Business recovery planning provides for the recovery of
mission-critical business processes at an alternative site. Just as a disaster is
an event that makes the continuation of normal functions impossible, a
disaster recovery plan consists of the precautions taken so the effects of a
disaster will be minimized and the organization will be able to either main-
tain or quickly resume mission-critical functions.
The business recovery planning process was outlined in detail. From
mobilizing a business recovery team and assessing the extent of damage and
the business impact a disaster may have on your business, we discussed var-
ious methods of recovering your business functions. We also discussed the
importance of using a backup recovery site. This backup strategy starts with
the designation of a recovery site, the purchase of any necessary equipment
that would be used to build the site, the reassembly of that equipment at
the recovery site, and the operations needed to actually restore data from
backups. The process of restoring applications data, as well as proprietary
data, was explained. Once the emergency has passed and you are able to
move back to your restored permanent facility, it is important to have
someone monitor overall progress and keep everyone informed. Usually,
once the business functions have been restored, a process of handing busi-
6.3 Chapter Summary 191
Chapter 6
ness operations back to regular management takes place. The BRT should
be tasked with preparing a business recovery phase report to address what or
how things could have been improved in the event they are ever reconsti-
tuted for another emergency.
When planning business recovery activities, we stressed covering all
areas of the business, including your communication systems; human
resources; corporate proprietary information and documentation; IT sys-
tems; office supplies; operations and administration (support services);
power and other utilities; premises, fixtures, and furniture (facilities recov-
ery management); all of your production equipment and nonproduction
equipment; and whatever is needed to preserve your organizations ability to
conduct trading, sales, and customer service activities. Finally, dont forget
about warehouse and stock matters. There are dozens of details you must
account for that are unique to your organization. This chapter has
attempted to bring to the forefront the areas most important to getting nor-
mal operations restored. In the next chapter, we will discuss how to test,
audit, and train to ensure continuity of your business.
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