Value Models: Environmental Scanning
Corporate unbundling, value chain deconstruction, and supply chain deconstruction focused on internal and external efficiencies. Comparative SWOT analysis and competitive forces analysis lead to considerations of environmental scanning to (1) determine the opportunities to introduce products to markets, and (2) increase revenue growth by differentiating the organization's products from others. Even though all value search models reflect a cost-reduction emphasis, the primary focus of comparative SWOT analysis and competitive forces analysis is revenue growth through unique products. ICT can be implemented to support the creation of products.
Comparative SWOT Analysis
Comparative SWOT analysis emphasizes environmental scanning and discovering opportunities that may require either refining existing products to make those products unique or developing new products. The main strategic goal is to identify market niches where unique, often superior, products can be sold at higher-than-average prices, leading to revenue growth. In these cases, the primary function is to discover unfulfilled market needs (opportunities) and competitive products (threats), and match them with the organization's abilities to produce that product (strengths) and the organization's deficits (weaknesses). A traditional SWOT analysis discusses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within your organization and its competitive environment, while a comparative analysis ...
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