

Abbreviation expansion, 137
Abbreviation standards, 199
Abstract machine, 101
Abstract type analysis, 119
Accessibility expectations, 33, 34
Accuracy of data, 129
Acquire processing stage, 67
Acronyms, 137
Actionable knowledge, 8, 11, 15, 25, 207208
return on investment (ROI), 1617
Actions versus behavior, 182183
Activity graphs, 71
Activity models (IDEF0), 71
Activity scheduling, 159160
Actors in use case analysis, 70
Ad hoc query systems, 54
cleansing and standardizing, 158
incorrect, 128
standardization example, 197199
Affinity grouping, 210
Affinity programs, 194
Agglomerative clustering, 213
Aggregation, 149
Aggregators of data, 219, 226, 231
Algorithm design, 61
Algorithms for data mining, 206
Alternate information ...

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