Chapter 3
Business Models Come in Many Different Forms
In This Chapter
Finding out what all business models have in common
Perusing popular business models
Connecting well-known companies to their business models
A business model is like a lump of clay that you can mold into many different shapes and sizes. This pliability is a powerful feature, enabling entrepreneurs to craft their models to fit their business needs. Yet, despite all this potential for variety, all business models have a set of shared characteristics. These commonalities are what set business models apart from other business tools, such as business plans, strategic plans, and operational plans.
This chapter focuses on what all business models have in common. After you have the basics down, I use examples to show you aspects of all business models as well as a list of many common types of business models. By considering these examples, you can begin the creative process you need to develop your business model.
Common Aspects of All Business Models
Whether your business model is cutting edge or based on 100-year-old principles, all business models answer the following questions:
What problem are you trying to solve? ...
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