Chapter 25
Applying Ten Sources of Business Model Innovation
In This Chapter
Finding inspiration for the innovation process
Digging the golden ideas out of everyday activities
Using creativity to find business model innovation from unrelated and competitive businesses
Business model innovation is critical to the long-term success of your enterprise. Sometimes it’s difficult to assume The Thinker pose (from Auguste Rodin’s famous statue) and spew forth brilliant ideas. The “think system” didn’t work very well for Professor Harold Hill in The Music Man when he said, “Come on men, think.” Most people need a starting point for some inspiration.
In this chapter, you discover ten potential sources of business model innovation as well as how you can best apply them to your business model.
Business Books
Business books provide an abundant source of ideas for business model innovation. Great business books contain many stories and/or case studies that can provide the seed for an innovation. Here’s a list of a few of my favorites:
Business modeling books
• Business Model Generation: A Handbook ...
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